John Torell
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Compact Disc Album
Why are we humans on this planet? What will happen when we die? Is there life after death? If so, what kind of life is there?
We are currently living in Stage One of God’s creation plan. This can also be called a “time of qualification” for Stage Two. Only those people who have been born again, meaning that they have repented of their sins and received Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour will be allowed into the New Creation. All others will be cast into the Lake of Fire, where they will spend eternity with no possible redemption! During the Tribulation Period, Christians will face a great danger, the Mark of the Beast – 666, which will most likely wipe out most of that generation!
Stage Two will be an eternal creation, which will last for ever and ever. It will be filled with the Holy Angels who refused to rebel with Lucifer and all born again believers in Christ. The Devil is trying to derail as many people as possible from qualifying for Stage Two of Creation, and at the same time, destroy the reputation of those people who have received Christ and qualified.
In this 4-part series, Pastor Torell seeks to explain this and more topics such as:
The questions of life and answers those questions from the Bible.
Living in Stage One & Two of God’s creation plan.
Who is doing the tempting?
The Devil’s program.
The story of Lot.
The sin of procrastination.
The sin of doing as little as possible.
Do you have staying power?
Are you in God’s program or the Devil’s?
Books By This Author
Christian Dynamics Course 1
Christian Dynamics Course 2 [Coming Soon]
Christian Dynamics Course 3 [Sold Out]
Christian Dynamics Course 4 [Sold Out]
Audio Companion guides
Christian Dynamics Course 1 [Sold out]
Christian Dynamics Course 2
Christian Dynamics Course 3
Christian Dynamics Course 4
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