Another Jesus?
Roger Oakland with Jim Tetlow
Price: $13.00
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Pope John Paul II has called for a new evangelization focused on the Eucharistic Christ. According to Roman Catholic teaching, the Eucharist is the central component of the Mass and the source and summit of Christianity. It is believed that when a priest consecrates the Communion bread, the wafer is no longer bread, but the actual body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ.
Rome teaches that Jesus is literally and bodily present wherever a consecrated Host is found. Therefore, hundreds of thousands of Catholic churches claim that Jesus is present in their eucharistic tabernacle or monstrance.
How might this peculiar belief lead to the evangelization of the world into the Roman Catholic religious system? Is transubstantiation taught in the Bible? Does Bible prophecy give insight into these global, ecumenical end-time events? What did Jesus mean when He warned that many would claim that Christ was in the “inner rooms” in the last days (Matthew 24: 23-27)? Why did Jesus warn that these false appearances of counterfeit christ’s would be accompanied by “great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect”?
Another Jesus? The Eucharistic Christ and the New Evangelization, explores these topics from a biblical perspective – exhorting all to heed the Bible’s warnings. By chronicling the growing cult of eucharistic adoration and the increasing trend of eucharistic evangelization, Roger Oakland points readers back to a “more sure word of prophecy” and the true Jesus of the Bible.
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