An Understandable History of the Bible
Samuel Gipp
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The history of the Bible… in plain language
Proponents of new Bible versions specialize in creating confusion, including arguments about the “oldest” manuscripts, “best” manuscripts, or “majority of” manuscripts. You will learn the story behind the Bible, taking you from the earliest copies, through the history of translations.
An Understandable History of the Bible also covers the following:
A simple description of over 5,000 pieces of Scripture that provide our “witnesses” of the original writings.
Scripture comparisons
History of the development of English
An entire chapter on King James
The efforts of men to translate these into the languages of their people, and how Satan tried to stop it.
How the Jesuits started their plan to destroy the Protestants’ faith in their Scriptures, and replace them with a “bible”; that contained pro-Catholic readings.
Wescott and Hort’s “greatest feat in textual criticism… replacing the Universal Text of the Authorized Version with the Local Text of Egypt and the Roman Catholic manuscripts…”
Westcott and Hort, two men who lifted themselves up as “experts” on the Scriptures, were really “unbelievers” Yet, modern translations are based on their work.
Wescott’s perverted views on Romanism, statues, purgatory, Mariolatry, the Second Coming of Christ, heaven, socialism, and more. You will be shocked!
Information on the “Oxford Movement”
How apostasy enters our churches
A critique on modern scholarship, including James White and his feeble charges against the Bible.
Table of Contents
Introduction to the Second Edition
Introduction to the Third Edition
Time Trip
Where Do We Go From Here
The Ground Rules
The 100 Year War
The Localities
The Witnesses
The Enemy
Westcott and Hort
The Authorized Version
The “King” of the King James Bible
The Greek Text, Today
The Great Manuscript Heist
Considerations, Conclusions & Vindication
Appendix A, NASV Translators
Appendix B, Major Early Translations
Appendix C, King James Translating Companies
Appendix D, NIV Omissions
Appendix E, The Great Manuscript Heist, Charts & Graphs
Other books by this author:
The Answer Book
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