As this year is coming to an end, I would like to share some of the things that are happening in the ministry. This is an appeal letter of sort but I also want you to know what is taking place within the ministry. Some of you have been supporting us financially on a regular basis while others are more sporadic. I am aware that many of our ministry friends are on a fixed income and do not have the capacity to help out any more than you are already doing but I want you to know that we also value your prayers and they are worth more than gold!
As you know our ministry has several outreaches, the main part is the weekly webcast taking place every Sunday morning. A number of people have been touched and come to Christ through my preaching.
This is the third year of working with Shannon Davis on Omega Man Radio. There is a live one hour program every Wednesday night via the internet. I am told that the audience runs anywhere from 1,000 to 3,000 listeners during my time slot. Since Omega Man Radio also started to broadcast live on YouTube, the audience has been growing larger every week. Our website has seen an increase in the number of people visiting and purchasing books, videos and CDs.
Helping deliver Christians from demons is an important part of this ministry and the way we conduct deliverance is unique. I discovered some time ago that casting out demons does not solve every problem in a person’s life. When people decide to come for help, we ask that they send a biography in order to break the curses that have been negatively affecting them. Then we deal with traumas that has caused soul damage, followed by the person being willing to forgive others, including himself. For example, many people have participated in sex outside marriage which creates ungodly soul ties and these are broken through prayer. Only when these things have been dealt with do we cast the demons out and then pray for healing of the soul and body. Finally, we pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Then there is a 16 week follow-up program where the person uses Christian Dynamics Course 3 as a textbook along with the Bible to grow in Christ. The person responds to a questionnaire and then we discuss the lesson via the telephone or Skype. This has been very helpful for many of the people who have gone through deliverance.
We are in great need of more help and for this reason we limited the number of deliverances to one per month.
We helped the following people in 2015: A married couple from Florida; a man from Kansas, a woman from Virginia, a man from Florida, two women from California, a family from Indiana consisting of the mother, son and his fiancée. Then there was a man from Texas; a man from Oregon. During the month of December we will help a woman from Oregon and a man from the Sacramento area. We are reaching out to many parts of the United States but there have also been people from Bolivia, Sweden and Northern Ireland that have come for help as well. We are in contact with individuals from Canada, Sweden and different parts of the United States that are seeking deliverance in 2016.
In the early days of ministry I began to teach on the second coming of Christ and how the world would come to an end. As I dug into the Book of Revelation, I didn’t know it then, but I was confused about the order of events described in the Bible because of false teaching. How did the teaching on the rapture fit with the coming of the Antichrist? When would Jesus come back to the earth to set up the thousand year kingdom? I had another question about the Antichrist for which I had no answer. Where would the Man of Sin come from and who would support him?
At the height of the Vietnam War in 1970, I could not comprehend why England and France were supplying North Vietnam with military equipment that was being used to kill American soldiers in South Vietnam. I understood why the Soviet Union and China supplied war material to North Vietnam, but why England and France, two members of NATO and allies of the United States, seemingly work against us?
I received my answer in 1975 when I was in Nampa, Idaho for a series of revival meetings. My wife and I stayed in a home of a couple that played some vinyl records by Myron Fagan in which he spoke about the Illuminati. I had never heard about the Illuminati and our host family made copies of the recording that I took them home.
I have a slogan that I live by. If you do not know that something exists, you are not going to look for it. Once I learned that the Illuminati existed, I began to search for more information which led me on a quest that continues to this day.
In 1979 I was introduced to a Baptist pastor in Sacramento, Gordon Ginn, who had in his early years done some work for the FBI. We became friends and Gordon opened up his library to me. By now it had become clear that a shadowy World Government existed which has guided all political developments since 1776.
I learned about Freemasons, Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers. Later I learned about Anthony Sutton, a British scholar from Stanford University, California. He published a number of books which detailed how the Soviet Union had been aided from 1917 and that it was a creation of political leaders and bankers in the West. He also exposed of the order of Skull and Bones at Yale University.
As I examined these different organizations, it was like a body without a head. I began to question who could be the central leadership of all these groups that make up the World Government. I received an answer in 1981 when I was in Finland for a series of revival meeting and met Kjell Sjöberg, a Swedish Pentecostal pastor. I had given him my Swedish book, “Bibelns Budskap i De Yttersta Dagarna” in which I had written about these different organizations. He read the book in 24 hours and told me if the book was true, then his entire view of world history was wrong. He told me that he would take six months to determine the truthfulness of my book.
True to his word, Kjell called me six months later and told me that he had verified everything and the situation was even worse than I had written. He had traveled to Jerusalem and conducted research at the Hebrew University, where he had studied what Gershom Scholem had written about the Kabbalah. Scholem was a professor and the head of the Kabbalistic department of the Hebrew University. What he shared with me gave me an understanding of the top leadership in the shadowy World Government.
When the Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, an Estonian researcher named Jüri Lina was able to travel to Moscow and examine the archives of the secret police (KGB, now renamed to the FSB). He wrote a book based upon his research called “The Sign of the Scorpion,” and Gordon Ginn and I worked on the English translation. The historical records from Moscow verified what Anthony Sutton and others had exposed some 30 years earlier. The head of the World Government consists of Kabbalistic Jews, who have been working for more than 3,000 years to usher in their messiah whom they call the “holy serpent.”
All my confusion was now gone as I finally had a timeline and knew the players during the end times. In studying the Bible, I also learned the following things:
There is no pre-tribulation rapture of church.
The tribulation period is not synonymous with the reign of the Antichrist.
The reign of the Antichrist won’t be 7 years but it will last 41.6 years.
The Kingdom of Israel will not be re-established on earth until Jesus sets it up at the beginning of the 1,000 year kingdom.
I have written on prophetic subjects, first in the Dove Magazines from 1979-2004, then in our newsletter the Flaming Sword. A few years ago, I began to write the books in the Kabbalah series and there are now seven published books. It is now possible to learn in a short amount of time what took me 45 years to learn.
To learn about our prophetic outreach, it is possible to purchase what we call “The Dove collection,” covering the years 1991-2004 because it is only available in print. The newsletter articles are freely available on our website. If you want to receive the most up-to-date information, I recommend you purchase the inexpensive books in the Kabbalah series.
You are reading this letter because you have contacted our ministry and purchased some of the material I have referenced or you found this site through a web search. When you read the material I am recommending and cross check it with the Bible and historical records, you will find I am telling you the truth.
If you love the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and you hate Satan and his future set up in the world and you want to damage the kingdom of Satan, you can do that by making sure that our ministry is able to continue. Currently we only have two full-time people working, Charles Thorell and myself. All other people donate their time.
When I write this letter there are 23 days left of the year 2015. We are pushing a deficit in front of us, unpaid social security taxes for Charles and myself. There has not been enough money during the year to pay these taxes and we are now facing a debt of $5,500.00.
Some of you have given one-time gifts throughout the year and some on a regular basis. I am primarily addressing those of you who enjoy and benefit from the material we produce but you have never supported the ministry. Would you prayerfully consider giving to the work of the Lord? Any gift would be appreciated regardless of the size. If everyone gave something, our financial needs would be met in no time at all.
To those who are ongoing givers, please do not designate your regular gift to taxes. If you do that, we cannot pay salaries and other expenses. We need extra funds to put this ministry in the black.
A Phone Call
Darl Dinger
I was sitting here thinking of “the doctors,”
I had tried them all.
So I picked up the phone
And I made a call.
But the line was busy,
It seemed like a shame.
I just wanted relief
And Jesus was the Doctors’ name.
As I sat there thinking
Of all of the hurt I had gone thru,
I desperately wanted relief
But I did not know what to do.
Heaven’s telephone service was busy
From the many calls from earth,
I decided to reach out in faith
To see what it was worth.
So many of my loved ones
Were sick and had no cure,
I knew that if I got thru
Jesus would answer me for sure.
So I paced up and down,
Thinking of my painful plight.
I walked around all day,
I was restless thru the night.
Finally, the morning came,
The day was sunny and clear.
I was very tired
But I felt no fear.
Then I got down on my knees,
“My Pride” I threw away.
It was then Jesus spoke to me,
My son, your line was busy all the day. Mr. Doubt was at your door,
You were fretting all the while,
Anxiety kept you pacing,
You must have walked a mile.
Then that lying spirit,
He kept you in doubt.
I couldn’t get thru
Until you threw him out.
Now I want you to know,
Heaven’s line is always clear.
Just call upon Me in faith
Because I am always here.
The moral of this poem
If you feel alone and lost,
You will always find Jesus
If you will kneel at the cross.
So remember Jesus died for you,
It is in Him you must believe.
So give all of your cares to Him
And your fears He will relieve.
So put your faith in Jesus
And let Him set your course,
Because it is in Jesus’ name
That is the powerful force!
There are many people
Who in Jesus don’t believe,
But at the Judgment seat
They all will bow their knees.
Yes, my telephone call was answered
By God’s only Son,
That is why I trust in Jesus
Because the Victory is already won!
You can use PayPal to make a donation or send a check in the mail. One time donations help temporarily but we need friends who will commit to giving regularly. Would you prayerfully consider doing so?
You can contact us if you have a prayer request or if you have any questions.