Selected Articles Christian The Destruction of the Southern Baptist ConventionContinued Destruction of the Christian ChurchThe Destruction of Sound Biblical DoctrineDecay of the Christian ChurchA Catastrophic Year for the Human Race? Part 1A Biblical Perspective on HistoryThe Passover Week Political Forensic Account of HistoryDeception in the World and the ChurchThe World Government System is like CancerHow the World Government Rules the NationsTreasonThe Swine Flu & Treason End Times As the Days of NoahIron Fist of the Antichrist SystemThe Hidden Technology Transfer of 1947Much of the Technology in the World of 2004 was Birthed in 1947The Doctrine of Satan Part OneEbola: Biological Weapon? Elections January 2020 US Election MeddlingThe Handwriting is on the WallThe Election and our Children2012 Presidential ElectionMore about the 2008 Elections in the U.S.Romney vs. Obama2006 Midterm Elections in the USAThe 2004 Presidential Election Zionism Trail of Blood and Murder Part 1Dancing Around the Golden Calf – Part 1The Connection Between Communism and ZionismThe Nation of Israel and the Zionistic MovementWhat is God’s Position Regarding the Creation of the State of Israel?