The Nation of Israel and the Zionistic Movement
The Flaming Sword Newsletter
By John Torell
April 2001
I am writing this newsletter the second week of the crisis between the United States and China. The collision of a US surveillance aircraft and a Chinese jet fighter is dominating the news and President Bush is now in the process of being humiliated before the nations of the world. What is really going on? Are there things hidden from the view of ordinary people? I believe that the answer is YES, this incident did not “just happen,” it was planned in the offices of the World Government. Let me share my understanding on this subject.
If you really want to know the truth about world events, never look first at the place where the crisis is being played out. You should always first take a look at what is happening in the Middle East and what the current conditions are in Israel. Since I do not have enough space to start from scratch in presenting an historical picture in my monthly newsletter, I have to assume that my regular readers have read our material for years and know what I am talking about. If you are a newcomer, please order our latest copy of The Dove, Spring 2001, where you will find a very complete layout of the World Government, who they are, how long they have been operating, and what their goals are.
Since the World Government is a Jewish Zionist establishment, with the purpose of setting up a One World Government with a One World Religion, its capitol will be Jerusalem (read the Bible and you will find this truth in black and white), understand therefore that THE NATIONAL SECURITY for the World Government is not the preservation of any nation, but the survival of the nation of Israel and sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem. Thus any policies of the World Government will be aimed toward these goals.
This newsletter is read by people from many nations in the world, but the majority of our readers are Americans. Let me paint the following allegory which I hope will help you understand the feelings of the Jews and the Palestinians. Here is the scenario:
California was a Spanish colony some 250 years ago. When the offspring of the Spanish invaders and the local Indians who made up the population in Mexico and Central America rebelled against the Spanish government, new nations were born. The Central America nations later split off on their own. Mexico consisted of what is now known as Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, plus all of the land that is known today as Mexico. But white American settlers were coming west, and eventually, through war, the United States took all of the land to the Pacific Ocean and north of the current border with Mexico. During the last 150 years Americans built up the economy in these Western States to the current status.
But the Mexican people could never forget what the white Americans did, so they started to filter back into the area, and some never left. In due time once their numbers had swelled, the Mexicans started a cruel and nasty terrorist action against white Americans. World opinion was swayed and Russia sided with the “poor” Mexicans. After a time of terrible bloodshed from both sides, the United Nations met and made a decision that California was to be divided up into two parts, giving Southern California to the Mexicans. Once this decision became known, the white Americans in Southern California took up arms, aided by soldiers from the adjoining States. But with the intervention of Russia and China, the American forces were driven out of Southern California and a merciless terror now swept over Southern California, with the purpose of creating such atrocities that all white Americans would flee to other states.
The Mexicans ruling Southern California would for the next 50 years suppress all white Americans who did not flee, take away their properties at will and treat them as second class citizens.
Four times the states of Oregon, Nevada and Arizona militarily attacked the Mexican regime of Southern California, but with help from Russia and China they were defeated by the Mexicans and driven back. Not only did they lose these four wars, but the Mexicans took additional territory and declared it to be their own.
Fifty years after this brutal takeover, the white Americans had grown in numbers in Southern California through the births of children, and they began to demand to have their land back. They were told that they have no civil rights at all, and their leaders were hunted down and either killed or put in prison. White American men were hunted down like animals and tortured in horrible prisons where many would die.
This caused great anger among the white Americans, and they began to arm themselves with the help from Oregon, Nevada and Arizona. Since they had lost four wars, they began a deadly guerilla war, directed at the Mexicans. The Mexican government declared that these white Americans were “terrorists” and should be hunted down and killed on the spot. In order to crush the resistance movement, civil laws were changed and the Mexican military now had the authority to interrogate with torture, until they got the information needed. If the “poor” white American died while being questioned it did not matter since they had no “human value” – they were just some dirty terrorists.
To make it worse for the white Americans, the Roman Catholic Church declared that the Mexicans had a “divine” right to the land, and that the best the white Americans could do was to submit to the Mexicans and serve them as a slave serves a master. This proclamation was promoted world wide, and adopted by most Christian evangelicals, particularly among the Pentecostals. Pastors from all nations organized tours to Southern California in support of the Mexicans and held strong prayer meetings in which they prayed that the Mexicans would finally prevail over the white Americans who refused to give up the land where they had been born.
In order to pacify the white Americans, the Mexicans began “peace talks” with them, which were held in Moscow. Here the Russian government pressured the white Americans to settle with the Mexicans. A deal was worked out, in which the white Americans were given a portion of the Mojave desert as their homeland, and a small sliver of land between San Diego and Los Angeles.
In return, all white Americans would give up the fight against the Mexicans and forever give up all claims of additional land in Southern California. In return, the Mexicans might in the future allow the white Americans living in their areas to proclaim their territories as a sovereign state. The prime minister of Southern California and the leader of the white Americans were given the Nobel price that year, for working out this peace agreement. But there was a problem; no one was happy.
The Mexicans said that the white Americans got too much, and the white Americans felt “shafted.” Hate was building on both sides, calls for war were heard, and both parties called for the extermination of each other. “All hell broke loose” and Mexicans and white Americans killed each other on a daily basis. To have peace in the area was impossible, and the Mexican people in Southern California elected a hard line government, demanding that the white Americans once and for all should be rounded up, and if nothing else would work, kill them all, including their women and children. That would once and for all settle the dispute, if there were no white Americans left, the Mexicans could have peace and have all the land for themselves.
But even, if the Roman Catholic Church and all the Christians in the world were cheering for the Mexicans, once mass killings started, world opinion would shift. The Mexicans remembered that Stalin did not fare well when he started mass killings, neither did Mao Tse Tung, not to forget Adolf Hitler, and the awful killing fields in Cambodia. The Mexicans then decided, that the only way out for them, was to create some kind of a major war in another part of the world on which the media could focus. Then the Mexicans could clean up the “pesky” white Americans once and for all, with no one looking over their shoulders.
Change the name of Southern California to Palestine, change the name of the Mexicans to Jewish people, and change the white Americans to Palestinians and you will understand this allegory. Here are some facts:
Around 1520 B.C. Moses led the Hebrew children out of Egypt and 40 years later they came into the promised land, Canaan under the leadership of Joshua. Around 1050 B.C. Saul was crowned King of Israel. Around 925 B.C. King Solomon died, and the kingdom of Israel was split into two parts. Northern Israel consisted of ten tribes, its capitol being Samaria. The Southern kingdom, also known as Judah with Jerusalem its capitol, was populated by two tribes, Judah and Benjamin.
But God had made a stipulation for the people of Israel: they could only possess the land as long as they were walking in obedience to Him. When they turned to idolatry, they would be removed from the land by God. The ten northern tribes were forcefully removed from the land in 721 B.C. when the Assyrian King Sargon took the land and its capitol, Samaria. Some remnants in later years filtered back into the land, but it was never again ruled by Israelites, the land from this day on was always under the rule of another empire.
In 587 B.C. it was time for the people in the Southern kingdom to lose their land. God had given them 134 years to repent from their sins since the fall of Samaria, and the prophet Jeremiah had been speaking in Jerusalem for 40 years, but to no avail. The two tribes of Judah and Benjamin were determined to continue their sinful way of living, until God said enough is enough. King Nebuchadnezzar took the land and destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, bringing a large number of people into captivity to Babylon.
If this information is new to you, get your Bible and read the Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel and you will have it right there at your fingertips. I am now going to quote a passage from the Bible, where God is stating that the land will be lost, if the children of Israel live in idolatry.
See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;
In that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them;
I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish, and that ye shall not prolong your days upon the land, whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess it.
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.
Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Around 459 B.C., under the leadership of Ezra 42,360 Jews from Babylon returned to the land of Israel to once again rebuild the city of Jerusalem. But it was Nehemiah who in 446 B.C. returned to Jerusalem with a military escort from the King of Babylon, that the city was rebuilt and a small temple was built (See the book of Nehemiah in the Bible). But the Jews were not allowed to live in peace and have self rule for a long time. They could live in the land, but it was ruled first by the Greek Empire and later taken over by the Roman Empire.
In 165 B.C. the oppressed Jewish population revolted against the tyranny of Antiochus Epiphanes and defeated him under the leadership of Judas Maccabaeus, and until 63 B.C. the Jews ruled themselves, until Roman armies entered the land and established Judah and Jerusalem as a Roman province. But the years of freedom were marked with strife and disorder in the city of Jerusalem.
When Jesus came and displayed his supernatural power, many Jews embraced him as the Messiah, that once and for all should drive out the foreigners and establish a Messianic Kingdom. But here is what Jesus did:
Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world.
When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.
John 6:14-15
Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews?
Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?
Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me: what hast thou done?
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
John 18:33-36
The United States Presidential Elections 2001 | Year 2000 was not a very good year for the people running the World Government. They had a number of setbacks around the world. The biggest setback for them was the election of George W. Bush as president of the United States. In this newsletter I will comment on the U.S. election, and I will also discuss with you the further decay and degeneration of the Roman Catholic Church. |
Israel, Money, and Marc Rich | This month I have more material to use than I have space. After praying and seeking guidance from God, I am led by the Holy Spirit to discuss two items in this letter. First I am going to comment on the elections in Israel. Secondly, I will share with you why Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich. |
The Iron Fist of the Antichrist System | It is now official! The iron fist of the Antichrist system is now out of its velvet glove. On March 6, 2001, the Supreme Court of the European Union (EU, and formerly known as the Common Market) ruled that it is a crime to speak or write any criticism of government institutions and their leaders in the Union. |
The Nation of Israel and the Zionistic Movement | I am writing this newsletter the second week of the crisis between the United States and China. The collision of a US surveillance aircraft and a Chinese jet fighter is dominating the news and President Bush is now in the process of being humiliated before the nations of the world. What is really going on? Are there things hidden from the view of ordinary people? I believe that the answer is YES, |
The Policy of the World Government | The comfortable life in the United States has taken a downturn, and we are suddenly faced with a stock market that crashed, most of the Internet dot com businesses went belly up, the 20’s something rich young people suddenly found themselves unemployed and their lavish life style came to a screeching halt. |
Understanding God's Calling on Your Life | There are two kinds of people in this world, those who shape the destiny of mankind, (leaders and trend setters), and the masses of people who are swayed in one direction or the other, never able to understand where they came from, where they are going, and why they are moving in a particular direction. |
Intelligence Agencies, the World Government, and a Criminal | The Holy Spirit has prompted me to write about a great danger facing the United States at this time, which is also a call for strong prayer on behalf of our nation. A Christian who is not informed is not able to pray fervently, to fast and seek the Lord. God’s servant, Daniel, is one of the greatest intercessors recorded in the Bible, and when he read in the books about the prophecy given to Jeremiah in Jerusalem, and he realized that the time had come for their deliverance, yet nothing was happening, he fasted and bombarded heaven with prayer. (Daniel 9:1-23) |
The Intelligence Community and Drugs | I have previously laid a foundation as to my knowledge of the workings of different intelligence services, not only in the United States, but also in other nations. In this issue I will continue to share with you the danger and deception that all intelligence organizations pose to people living in the different nations. Many Americans are asking why the former FBI agent betrayed his nation to the Soviet Union? |
There is Nothing New under the Sun | The stream of information coming into my office on a daily basis is overwhelming. There seems to be no end of activity, both in the kingdom of God and in the demonic world. There are thousands of believers around the world who are putting out newsletters or hosting web sites where Christians can learn the latest happenings in the world. About a year ago the Lord directed me to shift gears and change my monthly newsletter into a power packed letter where current news would be discussed. |
Terrorists and America | America has a new Pearl Harbor, 60 years after the infamous day on December 7, 1941, when Japan made a surprise attack on the American fleet and defense installations in the beautiful city of Pearl Harbor. The American forces suffered 3,400 casualties which included 2,300 service men killed. America declared war on Japan. |
America and the War on Terror | The War is not going well for the United States of America. All the flag waving and patriotic rallies by the American people is great to see, wonderful to experience, but not helping at all as far as the war is concerned. Since the United States is now officially at war, it is going to change the way that I write my newsletters. I will not be able to list my sources of information, since that could destroy further flow of information to me. |
America and the War in Afghanistan | Instead of going bad, the war in Afghanistan so far has been very successful for the United States. The Taliban regime has lost most of the land of the nation and has been driven into a small pocket in the south, with only one city left, Kandahar. The final stage for the destruction of the Taliban regime and Al-Qaida forces has now been instigated by US marines who set up a base just south of this city, controlling an air field. |
Flaming Sword Newsletter January 2001
Year 2000 was not a very good year for the people running the World Government. They had a number of setbacks around the world. The biggest setback for them was the election of George W. Bush as president of the United States. In this newsletter I will comment on the U.S. election, and I will also discuss with you the further decay and degeneration of the Roman Catholic Church.
Flaming Sword Newsletter Febuary 2001
Most Gentiles living today do not know a whole lot about Israel and its people. Some people might remember that Israel became a state in 1948, but why and how it happened is not well known today. Evangelical Christians are told by their leaders that, as Christians, they must support Israel at any cost or God will curse them. That this is not in the Bible, it is nowhere to be found, does not bother the Christian leadership. It’s the official doctrine, right or wrong. Neither are Christians told by their leaders, that most Jewish people in Israel do not believe in God but are atheists embracing a culture called Judaism...Flaming Sword Newslsetter March 2001
The British economist, Bernard Connolly had been fired from his employment with the government of the EU, after he had written a book "The Rotten Heart of Europe," in which he wrote a blasting report about the European monetary integration. The legal ruling stated that the EU commission could restrict dissent in order to protect the rights of others and punish individuals who damaged the institution’s image and reputation. The Court called Connolly’s book aggressive, derogatory and insulting, taking particular umbrage at the author’s suggestion that Economic and Monetary Union was a threat to democracy, freedom and ultimately peace...Flaming Sword Newsletter April 2001
If you really want to know the truth about world events, never look first at the place where the crisis is being played out. You should always first take a look at what is happening in the Middle East and what the current conditions are in Israel. Since the World Government is a Jewish Zionist establishment, with the purpose of setting up a One World Government with a One World Religion, its capitol will be Jerusalem (read the Bible and you will find this truth in black and white), understand therefore that THE NATIONAL SECURITY for the World Government is not the preservation of any nation, but the survival of the nation of Israel and sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem. Thus any policies of the World Government will be aimed toward these goals.
Flaming Sword Newslsetter May 2001
I have a copy in my possession of the policies which were adopted by the World Government in 1898. A copy of these policies were placed in the British Museum in London in 1905, and I have a letter in my possession from the British Museum in which they state that they indeed have a copy on file and that this was placed in the Museum in 1905. When I read this policy document, it sent chills up my spine because I can look back during the last 100 years and see how, point by point, these policies have been implemented. Let me share some of the plans which were laid out in 1898, one hundred three years ago:
Flaming Sword Newslsetter June 2001
There are two kinds of people in this world, those who shape the destiny of mankind, (leaders and trend setters), and the masses of people who are swayed in one direction or the other, never able to understand where they came from, where they are going, and why they are moving in a particular direction. There are two kingdoms fighting on planet earth, and the battle has been fierce, is fierce now, and will become more intense in the final showdown. It is the Kingdom of God versus the kingdom of Satan. As soon as a human being repents of his sins and asks God for forgiveness, acknowledging that Jesus died on the cross, rose on the third day and that through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ a man can be saved (born again), that person is moved from the kingdom of Satan into the Kingdom of God. (Colossians 1:12-15)
Flaming Sword Newslsetter June 2001
The danger facing our nation today is from all of our intelligence agencies which are out of control and in the hands of foreign nationals who are using these agencies to further the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT! Most Americans are decent law abiding citizens, do not have "a criminal mind," and thus cannot comprehend the rot and the treason which is everyday business in the FBI, NSA (National Security Agency), BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms), the CIA, DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) and the different branches of intelligence from the Air Force, Navy and Army, to the Postal Inspection Service, plus many more.
The Flaming Sword Newsletter August 2001
There were three prominent American intelligence directors who were not allowed to live out their lives because they had become a threat to the secret World Government. The first one was J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI. Hoover had survived a number of presidents and had established himself as a power broker in Washington D.C. No one was immune to his vast network of spies. Presidents, senators and congressmen were controlled by the damaging files he had collected on them. No one dared to cross him. Instead, even if a politician hated Hoover, in public he would heap praise on him. There are no documents to prove that he was assassinated,...Flaming Sword Newsletter September 2001
Osama Bin Laden, the former CIA agent, now labeled a Saudi terrorist is staying busy in Afghanistan, where he has now become a leading member of the Ruling Taliban party. Osama is now doing what the French governments have done for a long time, he has built an "ARAB FOREIGN LEGION." Young fanatical Muslims are being recruited in other Muslim nations, who are told that if they die in the service of Allah (the god of Mohammed), they will go straight to "heaven." There they will do nothing but have a good time, drinking as much alcohol as they want (on earth this is forbidden) and having all the sex they want with young good looking women, furnished them by Allah. Before being sent out of Afghanistan, the legion was deployed in January-February, 2001, in communities in Hazarajat, Central Afghanistan...SPECIAL REPORT: THE BOMBING OF AMERICA
Flaming Sword Newsletter October 2001America has a new Pearl Harbor, 60 years after the infamous day on December 7, 1941, when Japan made a surprise attack on the American fleet and defense installations in the beautiful city of Pearl Harbor. The American forces suffered 3,400 casualties which included 2,300 service men killed. America declared war on Japan.
Flaming Sword Newsletter November 2001
My assessment is that our nation is now in the same position that Germany was in 1941. In the month of June, that year, the German army and air force (Luftwaffe) attacked the Soviet Union on a wide front and in a few months had taken large areas of Russian territory. More than a million Russian soldiers were captured or killed. The German government gloated that the war was going to be over shortly, and the masses of Germans cheered and felt good. But what the German people did not know was that winter was coming and the German armed forces were not outfitted for a winter war.Flaming Sword Newsletter December 2001
The media has been telling the world, that the Taliban regime was defeated by NORTHEN ALLIANCE. Who is the man in charge of this group? He is a Russian speaking Uzbek, has the title of General, and his name is ABDUL RASHID DOSTUM. He is now labeled as a great friend of the United States. But here is the truth about this man: Dostum was born in 1955 from the Uzbek ethnic group. At that time Uzbekistan was a province of the Soviet Union, bordering Afghanistan. Uzbek people live on both sides of the border. As a young man he was working as a laborer on a Russian natural gas pipe line....You can use PayPal to make a donation or send a check in the mail. One time donations help temporarily but we need friends who will commit to giving regularly. Would you prayerfully consider doing so?
You can contact us if you have a prayer request or if you have any questions.