Educating Your Children: Whose Responsibility Is It?

The Flaming Sword Newsletter

September to October 2012

The Corner – The Hand of God

Are You Ready? – The world is waiting for you to come and pour the love of God upon them. There is a real need for joyful Christians who are ready at a moment’s notice to love those who unwittingly oppose themselves. How do you stand?

What Will They Say to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? – “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:6-8)

Educating Your Children: Whose Responsibility Is It? – Most parents send their children to government run schools, not realizing the full ramifications of their actions. When my oldest son was two years old, I began to think about how he was going to be educated: public, private, charter or homeschool, and realized I faced a daunting task. I am a product of public school I wasn’t convinced that I wanted the same experience for him. I didn’t know everything but God has promised to help me along the way. Every parent is mandated by God to educate their children. How far are you willing to go?
Thanksgiving Poem – Have you counted your blessings lately and where they come from?

Salvation, Deliverance & Healing

“My husband has locked himself in the bathroom and is going to kill himself!”

These were the frantic words spoken by a friend named Glenda as I was ready to enter a Southern Baptist Church on a Sunday morning in 1970 in San Rafael, California. My heart almost stopped as I heard these words because Jim was the worship leader in the church and a staff member at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary where I was a first year student. They were really good friends to my wife and I and now he was going to kill himself? As a young Christian, I knew very little about spiritual warfare and wondered how I could save my friend. Continue >>

Falling into Delusion

Sony Discman D-121 Portable CD PlayerAs we are approaching the end times on this earth we can see that there is one thing that is becoming rarer and that is people thinking as individuals rather than living with a “herd mentality.” There are a few trendsetters but billions are simply followers. Jesus proclaimed himself to be the light of this world but the people of the world have never accepted the trendsetters which God has sent.

None of the prophets during the Old Testament times were well received by the people and their leaders. In fact, when God sent his only begotten Son, he was totally rejected by the Jewish leadership and condemned to death by them. Jesus was well aware of the debased spiritual climate on this planet and he continually warned his disciples not to be deceived, because there would be a falling away!

Once a Christian has been polluted, they will reject truths spoken by God. If you should you hear a Christian speaking in such a manner, know that they have contracted a “spiritual cancer” and are heading for destruction! Rejection of God’s truth is a capital offense, and anyone of his children found guilty, will be given a death sentence resulting in a premature death on this earth! >>>See More

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