Harold Camping: The Mad Prophet
The Flaming Sword Newsletter
May to June 2012
The Corner – Prevailing faith is only grown under the most severe conditions a human being can go through. God wants every believer in Christ to obtain prevailing faith before our departure from earth.
Harold Camping: The Mad Prophet – Harold Camping has outdone himself again by equating himself with Balaam, the mad prophet, in a public letter where he is trying to hang on to his grip of Family Radio. He is a master liar and spin doctor who know knows no shame and does not care what he has to do in order to hang on to the presidency of Family Radio. Camping has done what so many other false prophets have done over the years, produced some fairly descent material to gain people’s trust and lead them astray with false information. I can commend Camping for one thing: He has spoken the truth when he put himself in the same class as sinful Balaam. They are one and the same.
The Blood of the Lamb – God the Father sent Jesus to a sacrificial lamb; it was His precious blood that cleanses us from sin so that we can someday stand in front of the Father, clothed in the righteousness of the Christ.
The Passover Week – Using the Bible as a timeline, we can know exactly what transpired during the Passover Week and follow Jesus as He rode into Jerusalem on Sunday until His crucifixion on Wednesday and subsequent resurrection three days later.
Have you ever wondered what motivates the people who make up the World Government? What religion do they embrace? This is important because religion is a foundational building block behind every political movement. It is true of Communism, Nazism and Fascism. Do you know that all three of these violent movements have the same religion? Furthermore, it is the same religion that inspired these Satanic movements which is also the religion of the people in the World Government.
In this series of booklets you will learn how the diabolical Kabbalah was started in the days of Moses, more than five thousand years ago by men who rebelled against God. This secret religion among the twelve tribes of Israel burned like a smoldering fire under the surface and it was King Solomon who fanned the fire some 900 years before Christ and made it into the refined system we see today. As we are approach the coming of the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast, it should be of utmost importance to know about the religion of this coming world dictator. The knowledge you gain about this evil religion will help you resist the Mark of the Beast and the oppression that is going to come on this earth. Continue >>
Biblical Truth Concerning the State of Israel
Early in January 2009 the Holy Spirit moved upon Pastor John to preach on the political state of Israel from a biblical point of view in order to shed light on the Zionists and their Christian supporters. From its creation in 1948, the State of Israel has been hailed as a fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecies, but why would God need men to lie, cheat, kill and destroy to accomplish this task?
Pastor John digs into history to show how the Israelites entered the Promised Land and how they lost it. Over the centuries the political parties of the Pharisees and Sadducees were formed along with the creation of the Talmud and the Cabala. It was against this backdrop that Jesus (the true Messiah) was repeatedly confronted to set up an earthly kingdom but he brought out that the kingdom of Israel was forever gone. The Jewish leadership was not interested in a heavenly kingdom and took it upon themselves to re-establish Israel and continue to wait for their messiah, which the Bible tells us is Satan himself.
Many Christians don’t understand just how interconnected the coming Antichrist will be with the political state of Israel as the Beast (Revelation chapter 13) slowly tightens his grip upon the world. The tragedy is that most pastors have not understood that the current State of Israel is not of God and Christian Zionists are mislead because they don’t understand the truth. The purpose of this series is to establish biblical truth in order to keep you out of the clutches of the Antichrist system and to reject the Mark of the Beast that is just around the corner. >>> Purchase or watch videos
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