Latter Years of Abram


RLJ-1671 -- SEPTEMBER 30, 2018

God had a specific purpose for Abram and Sarai and changed their names to make it clear they would be parents to the rest of the world. Jesus came to visit them prior to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in order to remind them of His promise of an heir.

God supernaturally touched Abraham and Sarah to conceive, and when Isaac finally arrived, he brought a lot of joy to their lives. Everything was seemingly fine until many years later when the Lord asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on Mount Moriah. God already knew what was in the heart of Abraham, it’s just that he needed to know for himself in a final test.

The latter part of Abraham’s life was used to bury Sarah and make sure that Isaac had the right wife. Abraham outlived Sarah by 40 years and he started a new family with a second wife. However, he also had a harem of concubines and produced children with them as well.

Jesus was able to build faith in Abraham but He was never able to bring Abraham into a moral life. This father of Israel had joys and regrets about his time on earth and there is much to learn from this man of faith.

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