Determining Your Fate


RLJ-1589 -- MARCH 5, 2017

God knows your life from beginning to end because He exists outside of time and can see the future even before you are born. This foreknowledge allows Him to make statements such as “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” because God knew that Esau would sell his birthright and marry two Hittite women against the wishes of his father.

When it comes to mercy, it is entirely up to God how long the grace will last before He metes out punishment. Mankind has free will but God will also mark the people who rebel against Him and harden their hearts. Salvation is offered to everyone but only a remnant will be saved.

This was the case with the Israelites when Jesus came unto His own people and they rejected Him. The Lord continues to show His righteousness by making the same offer available to the Gentiles. Salvation can never be attained by keeping the law.

It is solely through the grace of Jesus; He is supreme and doesn’t answer to anyone. God did not show mercy to the Jewish high priest that came to Pilate and requested the death of Jesus, but He did show mercy to a Pharisee named Saul, who persecuted the upstart church until his eyes were opened.

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