Scripture Songs I
Ron & Patti Vaillant
Compact Disc $13.00
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Easily memorize powerful Bible passages, set to beautiful, elevating, Folk music.
This album offers twenty eight Bible promises which each family member can enjoy. The music is simple, gives emphasis to the Bible passages sung, and features female lead vocals and guitar.
All songs are from the King James Bible.
1. Have Not I Commanded Thee; Joshua 1:9
2. Give Ear To My Words; Psalm 5:1-3
3. The Law Of The Lord; Psalm 19:7-10, 14
4. I Will Bless The Lord; Psalm 34:1, 4, 6, 8
5. I Waited Patiently; Psalm 40:1, 3, 5, 17
6. Create In Me A Clean Heart; Psalm 51:10, 11, 12
7. He That Dwelleth; Psalm 91:1-4
8. Make A Joyful Noise; Psalm 100:1-4
9. Trust In The Lord; Proverbs 3:5, 6, 7, 11
10. Let Us Reason Together; Isaiah 1:18
11. They That Wait Upon The Lord; Isaiah 40:31 and Fear Thou Not; Isaiah 41:10
12. O Israel, Fear Not; Isaiah 43:1, 2
13. So Shall My Word Be; Isaiah 55:11, 12
14. Arise Shine; Isaiah 60:1
15. A New Heart Will I Give; Ezekiel 36:26-28, 38
16. He Has Showed Thee; Micah 6:8
17. Come Unto Me; Matthew 11:28, 29, 30
18. For I Am Persuaded; Romans 8:38, 39
19. I Beseech You Therefore; Romans 12:1, 2
20. Until We All Come In Unity; Ephesians 4:13
21. Being Confident; Philippians 1:6
22. Whatsoever Things Are True; Philippians 4:8
23. Every Good Gift; James 1:17-20
24. Wisdom That Is From Above; James 3:17
25. Submit Yourselves; James 4:7, 8
26. Humble Yourselves; James 4:10
27. Behold, What Manner of Love; I John 3:1
28. Unto Him That Is Able; Jude 24
The Scriptures, clothed in simple melody, are a source of strength, comfort, and peace; truly a spiritual feast.
Scripture Songs I is the result of God’s work of restoration in our lives. It’s genesis represents the start of a ministry, and an opportunity to share God’s blessings with others.
Through song, the simplicity of the Gospel message can be easily taught to each member of the family. May God richly bless you as you endeavor to bind these songs of faith in your heart. Psalm 119:11
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