Understanding Divine Healing
John Torell
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Compact Disc Album
In this 7-part series, Pastor Torell details how to receive the healing you are seeking from the Lord.
Have you ever noticed that when you are sick, nothing else seems to matter? Health is indeed an issue every human faces on this earth since disease and damage to the human body are a constant threat.
Perfect health is available for all men and women, but to obtain it, you must have a relationship with God, and that relationship begins and ends with Jesus Christ!
You’re under attack when pain is shooting through your body, you think you’re dying and it seems like there is no hope left!
Some of the biggest obstacles you constantly fight are selfishness, laziness and bad attitudes.
God will honor the amount of faith you place in Him. He won’t heal you if you don’t believe that He can!
God has no desire to bless and pamper those who are refusing His mercy and living a life of rebellion; through the power of the Holy Spirit, every Christian can be faithful and obedient.
Divine healing comes down to whether or not you believe God and honor His Word as found in the Bible!
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