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I want to share with you a revelation that God gave me a recently. It is important to know who we are as Christians, because if we do not know who we are, we cannot live a life in victory; fortunately, the Bible has the answer!
Here are some of the topics covered in this series:
Who are you as a Christian?
Why are so many Christians falling back into sin and not able to walk with Christ?
What is the definition of a Christian? How do you measure up?
How does God’s plan for you fit into your everyday life? Did you know that God’s plan for His people is built upon worship of Him and service to others which includes sharing the Gospel?
All throughout the Bible, Satan offers self-gratification to people, a lazy lifestyle and as much pleasure as possible. Simply put, Satan’s plan for mankind is built around pleasure.
Books By This Author
Christian Dynamics Course 1
Christian Dynamics Course 2 [Coming Soon]
Christian Dynamics Course 3 [Sold Out]
Christian Dynamics Course 4 [Sold Out]
Audio Companion guides
Christian Dynamics Course 1 [Sold out]
Christian Dynamics Course 2
Christian Dynamics Course 3
Christian Dynamics Course 4
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All scripture references are taken from the King James Bible
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