Books By John Torell
Christian Dynamics
Christian Dynamics Course 1
by John Torell
“My husband has locked himself in the bathroom and is going to kill himself!”
These were the frantic words spoken by a friend named Glenda as I was ready to enter a Southern Baptist Church on a Sunday morning in 1970 in San Rafael, California. My heart almost stopped as I heard these words because Jim was the worship leader in the church and a staff member at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary >>>Read More
Price: $27.00
The Kabbalah Series
The KabbalahBook 1: Sabbatai Sevi
By John Torell
Sabbatai Sevi proclaimed to be the messiah in the year 1666, but unlike Jesus, he lived an immoral life, and the Kabbalah teaches that through his sinful life and death through sickness, he opened the door for salvation for them that believe on him. Striving to live a sinful life is not the nature of God, but of the Devil and the complete opposite of what the Bible teaches of Jesus>>>Read More
Price: $11.00
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The Kabbalah Book 2: Jacob Frank
By John Torell
For thousands of years people believed the earth was flat and the center of the universe, and anyone who challenged these assumptions was arrested, tried and put to death by the Roman Catholic Church. So what happens today when someone makes an assertion that is considered anti-Semitic but can be proven otherwise? Few Gentiles know about a Jew named Jacob Frank in the 18th century who was deeply educated in the Kabbalah>>>Read more
Price: $11.00
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The Kabbalah Book 3: The Rothschild Family
John Torell
A successful revolution requires a lot of money, but when the goal is to subdue the world and put it under a dictatorship, entire financial systems must be taken over. The Kabbalistic leadership wants to take dominion of the earth and rule it with their messiah and they need to control the banking system to achieve this objective. Jewish traders became very wealthy during the next two centuries as they operated in all nations and supplied warring armies>>>Read More
Price: $11.00
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The Kabbalah Book 4: The Stealth Takeover of the United States
By John Torell
The Kabbalistic Jews learned through the Rothschild takeover of the European banking system to disguise themselves and find Gentiles who are willing to do their bidding. Another lesson they learned was that it is impossible for any nation or group of people to take control of the world through military power. The only way to succeed is to take control of the different nations’ monetary systems >>>Read More
Price: $11.00
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The Kabbalah Book 5: The Rise of the Illuminati
By John Torell
Most people interested in prophecy and the Mark of the Beast will invariably come across a mysterious organization called the Illuminati. A great deal has been written about this secretive group but how much of it is truth? Who was Adam Weishaupt and why did he create the Illuminati? To answer that question we must examine his political viewpoints that were formulated upon writings of Plato, Jacob Frank and the Kabbalah. >>>Read More
Price: $11.00
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The Kabbalah Book 6: The Illuminati Writers and the Revolutions
By John Torell
The last ten years have been filled with news of the Al-Qaida terrorist network and its organization of radical killers, but did you know that there was an even more sinister terror network operating in Europe 180 years ago? They worshiped Satan with all their might and arose in coordinated revolutions by the hundreds of thousands in 1848 to overthrow governments and cause a world upheaval. >>>Read More
Price: $11.00
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The Kabbalah Book 7: God’s Antidote to the Illuminati
By John Torell
God was working while the Illuminati writers like Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Mikhal Bakunin and Moses Hess were spewing out their satanic toxin in Europe. There was a battle taking place between satanic spirits and the Holy Spirit for the souls of men and women. The revolutions fomented by the Illuminati in 1848 were bloody years and tens of thousands of young people died as a result. The fierce competition for the souls of mankind will not come to an end until Jesus returns in power>>>Read More
Price: $11.00
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The Kabbalah Book 8: Bitter Fruit
By John Torell
Most people have never heard of George Hegel and his philosophy that is embedded within the American educational system. Parents send their impressionable children to schools filled with teachers who have embraced a satanic form of thinking. The Hegelian brainwashing begins at an early age and continues into college and is even found in Christian seminaries. There is a sinister organization that came into existence in 1832 at Yale University and this secret society >>>Read More
Price: $11.00
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The Kabbalah Book Series (All 8 Books)
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Have you ever wondered what motivates the people who make up the World Government? What religion do they embrace? In this series of booklets you will learn how the diabolical Kabbalah was started in the days of Moses, more than five thousand years ago by men who rebelled against God.
This secret religion among the twelve tribes of Israel burned like a smoldering fire under the surface and it was King Solomon who fanned the fire some 900 years before Christ and made it into the refined system we see today. The knowledge you will gain about this evil religion will help you resist the Mark of the Beast and the oppression that is coming to this earth.
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Price: $80.00
Showdown in Jerusalem
Gert Timmerman with John S. Torell
Beginning in the 1990’s and up through 2004, John S. Torell wrote a number of articles published in The Dove magazine that brought out a lot of information on Judaism, the birth of the Zionist movement and its historical steps that had been suppressed by the media and ignored by the Christian leadership in colleges and seminaries. >>>Read more
Price: $11.00
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The Torrel's Biographies
My Journey to Freedom and Faith
by Aina F. Torell
This is the story of a twin girl who was born in Sweden one year and four months before WWII. When she was two, her father was called up to service in the Swedish Army; for the next five years she only saw him on furloughs.
As a teenager she was swept up in the fast moving life of dancing. But God had a plan for this shy, pretty girl and He guided and protected her. >>>Read More
Price: $18.00
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Have you ever wondered what life as a pastor is like? Well, this is an account unlike anything you have ever read before. John Torell started in life as a gang leader and a thief. He moved to the United States from Sweden and was becoming an alcoholic when he had a radical encounter with Jesus Christ. Two years later, God turned John’s life upside down when He called him into ministry. >>>Read More
My Life, My Calling, My Destiny
My Life, My Calling, My Destiny
John Torell
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Price: $40.00
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