Democrats Stem Cells and Cloning Part 2
A Prophetic Look into the Future
The Flaming Sword Newsletter
By John Torell
October 2004
The year is 2030 and Jesus has not come back yet. The Antichrist has not yet come on the scene but the world is almost ready for him.
Medical doctors are not using drugs and medication any more. Instead, when someone gets sick, samples are taken of their cells and through a computer analysis the doctor is told how to control the sickness via gene splicing.
Homosexual marriages have been legalized all over the world, and homosexual couples are having children through In Vitro Fertilization or surrogate mothers.
Only poor people are still having babies the old fashioned way. The “in thing” now is to have “designer babies,” where the parents have been tested for possible gene deficiency, and instead of fertilizing the egg in the womb, an egg is extracted and then fertilized in a clinic. Once the embryo is developed, specialized doctors manipulate the genes in the embryo to decide if it is going to be a boy or a girl and make sure through gene splicing that the child-to-be will have the characteristics the parents desire. Once the embryo is manipulated by the medical technicians, it is inserted into the uterus and carried to full term by the mother.
This procedure prevents the possibility of having a deformed baby. There is a new worldwide law, mandated by the United Nations that no deformed baby can be allowed to live. Thus, in every hospital, pregnant women are tested throughout their pregnancy to make sure that the baby is developing without any problems. If a baby is tested and found that it will be born deformed or with a disease, it is killed through abortion. This is hailed throughout the world as the most benign and humane solution since there won’t be any crippled children who will have to suffer, and at the same time, billions of dollars are saved in medical costs.
During the last century black Americans had discriminated among themselves, and those who were very dark skinned were looked down upon by those whose skin was of a lighter shade. Black Americans are using a new breakthrough in baby designing by making sure that their babies are born with less pigment, thus giving them a lighter skin tone.
The Democratic Party is now firmly in control of the United States. The Republican Party has disintegrated and America is down to a one party system. Most of the leadership in the Democratic Party is homosexual and the drive is now on to elect the first homosexual female to the presidency of the United States.
Due to the heavy influence of Hollywood celebrities like Shirley MacLaine and other entertainers such as the American Jewess, Madonna, who have flocked to the Democratic Party since the mid 1970s, the Kabbalah has become the religion of choice for many top democratic leaders.1 What the American people do not know is that the God of the Kabbalah is known as “The Holy Serpent,” and is known in the Bible as “the Devil.” The Democratic Party is ready to take the lead in the future worship of the Antichrist and the Devil. (Revelation 13:1-18)
The democrats have turned the economy around in the United States by cutting the cost of health care to a minimum. New laws have been passed which mandate that when people become sick, and doctors have determined that there is no possibility of recovery, the sick person is put on a death watch in a special hospital unit where they are denied food and water. 2 Within five days the patient is dead.
It doesn’t matter that the patient is crying and pleading for water; the impersonal hospital staff turns a deaf ear and tells the patient they are just following protocol. This method saves billions of dollars and the healthy people in America are praising the democrats for this wonderful program; taxes have been lowered and people now have more money to spend on themselves and recreational fun. This in turn has stimulated the economy since consumers are buying more.
Not only are taxes cut, but the bloated Social Security system is being nursed back to fiscal health. Since so many retired people are dying early, there are fewer benefits paid out by the Social Security Administration. Consumer confidence is back and the Democratic Party is gloating over its success in reviving the American economy into a surging growth, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the Reagan years in the 1980’s.
Meanwhile, the media is not reporting that the baby boomers are cursing their grandchildren as they are taken out to pasture to die. They now realize what they did in greed and stupidity when they voted the democrats into office is now coming back to haunt them. Those who live with their mistakes know that hindsight is 20/20. The cure for cancer has finally been found – death!
Another concept that the Democrats have taken from Sweden has to do with “hate laws.” By designating homosexuals, Jews and humanoids as “minority groups,” it is now a crime to speak negatively about these groups. Preaching that homosexuality is a sin, that the Jewish leadership at the time of Christ called for His death and that humanoids do not have souls, will mean the immediate arrest of the preacher or person and a long prison term.
Sweden began to implement this policy in 2004, when the first Pentecostal preacher, Ake Green, was arrested and sent to prison for preaching that homosexuality is a sin and is condemned by God. The ruling Social Democrats in Sweden then realized that as long as Bibles existed stating this, there would be a problem. Thus a new Bible translation was ordered, where all “bad” references to homosexuals, Jews and the existence of evil spirits had been removed. Old Bibles are now declared to be “hate literature” and banned and ordered to be turned in for new Bibles. Anyone caught in the English speaking world with an old King James Bible, is arrested and sent to prison.
The Democratic Party also brought in new religious laws since the Constitution had been declared unconstitutional by a Supreme Court that was stacked with liberal homosexuals and Jews. Citing laws from Israel passed in 1948, it is now a crime to convert anyone from one religion to another. These laws have also existed since the mid 1950’s in Pakistan, Egypt and a number of Islamic nations. So now Christians in the United States can only evangelize within their own communities. Anyone found converting someone to Christ or even the person being converted is sent to prison.
The Democratic Party has also been able to reform the prison system in the United States, resulting in billions of dollars saved. As soon as a person enters the prison system, he or she is examined by specialists in gene treatment. Once they have found deficiencies in the prisoner, he or she is treated with gene therapy and in a short time the prisoner has a new personality.
The Democratic Party has also been able to reform the prison system in the United States, resulting in billions of dollars saved. As soon as a person enters the prison system, he or she is examined by specialists in gene treatment. Once they have found deficiencies in the prisoner, he or she is treated with gene therapy and in a short time the prisoner has a new personality.
They are programmed in what to believe, how to behave and can be released from prison. Rapists, murderers and Christians opposing the Democrats are still kept in prison. There are no child molesters left in the United States. The Democratic Party has passed laws which declare that as long as a child consents to have sex with an adult, it is no longer a crime but an educational experience. Parents are allowed to have sex with their children in order to teach them proper sexual behavior. Child pornography is now considered an educational tool to prepare children for their sexual lives.
The founders of the Christian television networks like TBN, CBN and others are now dead. Their networks have been taken over by their children or grandchildren, and all the programming has been geared to teach Christians that Jews are God’s chosen people and superior to all other people on earth. It is therefore the duty of all believers in Christ to support the state of Israel and to honor all Jews, regardless of how they live and behave. There is no longer a need to preach Christ since ecumenism has swept in and states that all people are going to be saved regardless of their religion and thus “good works” is the core of all religion. To be a good Christian is to join the “Universal Church of God” and obey all its rules and regulations.
The humanoids are quickly rising in power and prominence. They are less emotional than humans and more reliable as leaders and workers. They are welcomed with open arms into the military and used as prison guards and medical personal since they obey any order without question. The number of humanoids in law enforcement is growing because they show no mercy nor do they feel sorry for the people they arrest.
No automobile, truck or ship can be operated without being connected to a satellite system which monitors it constantly. This system was introduced and developed by General Motors in the mid 1990’s and called “OnStar.” The United Nations mandated that all vehicles operating in the world must be connected to such a system or be taken out of service. The theft of cargo and vehicles is almost down to zero.
The democratic leadership proudly displays the microchips implanted in their arms which enable them to be tracked at all times. This practice was taken from Mexico where the political leadership in 2004 opted to be implanted in order to prevent kidnapping and for quick identifications at airports and other installations.
The Democratic Party has passed a law that all babies must have a chip implanted when they are born, and in this way, all Americans will have been implanted in a few generations.
Christian parents are now facing a new challenge. More and more human cloning is being done and thousands of humanoids have reached the age at which they are looking for spouses to marry. These male and female humanoids look just like a human being, but since they have been cloned, they do not have a soul.
The nightmare of life on earth before the flood of Noah is back on earth, and these half human/half demons are now demanding equal rights just like the homosexuals did some 80 years ago. Teachers in public schools have been given the assignment of teaching children that humanoids should not be discriminated against just because they are cloned.
There is no salvation available for humanoids and when they marry a “real” human, the children in that union are the offspring of demons and humans with no salvation available.
The Bible has gone through another five revisions and version of 2030 isn’t even close to a 1950 King James Bible. All references to the blood of Jesus have been taken out, the story of life before the flood is missing, and the book of Revelation has been relegated to an allegory that is not to be taken seriously. All references to homosexuality have been removed and the teaching that a man must be born again has vanished.
Most major Christian denominations are now merged into the “Universal Church of God.” Jesus is no longer proclaimed the Son of God, but rather he was a teacher in the same class as Buddha, Mohammed and Joseph Smith.
Hindu’s, Muslim’s and Roman Catholic’s have all merged into this one-world religion. There is still a remnant of old fashioned believers in Christ clinging to their old worn King James Bibles but they are dying out and their children are being snatched away by the lures of the world.
The generation born in the 1960s has entered its years of retirement and the world is being ruled by people born after 1980. Some of them are trying to hang on to the teachings of their parents but the pressure on them is great and most of them are accepting the fact that the world has changed and they have to change with it.
1. Madonna has donated millions of dollars to the Kabbalah Center in Los Angeles as of 2004, which in turn has been using her to draw in new converts. She has changed her name to “Esther,” trying to become a new queen like the one in the Old Testament.
2. This concept was taken from Sweden, where it had been practiced since 1975.
DEMOCRATS STEM CELLS AND CLONING: PART I | The average American citizen believes that once the Supreme Court has made a ruling, that the ruling shall stand as long as the United States exists. This is not true. During the Roosevelt presidency, in the 1930s, a decision was made that all prior Supreme Court decisions shall no longer be considered valid, and when a case is argued in court in the United States, there can be no legal reference to older rulings before the mid 1930s. To my knowledge Congress never voted on it, but took an illegal action and by default it became a "law."... |
DEMOCRATS, STEM CELLS, AND CLONING: PART II | Medical doctors are not using drugs and medication any more. Instead, when someone gets sick, samples are taken of their cells and through a computer analysis the doctor is told how to control the sickness via gene splicing. Homosexual marriages have been legalized all over the world, and homosexual couples are having children through In Vitro Fertilization or surrogate mothers. Only poor people are still having babies the old fashioned way. The “in thing” now is to have “designer babies,” where the parents have been tested for possible gene deficiency, and instead of fertilizing the egg in the womb, an egg is extracted and then fertilized in a clinic. |
Flaming Sword Newsletter September 2004
The average American citizen believes that once the Supreme Court has made a ruling, that the ruling shall stand as long as the United States exists. This is not true. During the Roosevelt presidency, in the 1930s, a decision was made that all prior Supreme Court decisions shall no longer be considered valid, and when a case is argued in court in the United States, there can be no legal reference to older rulings before the mid 1930s. To my knowledge Congress never voted on it, but took an illegal action and by default it became a "law."...Flaming Sword Newsletter October 2004
The year is 2030 and Jesus has not come back yet. The Antichrist has not yet come on the scene but the world is almost ready for him. Medical doctors are not using drugs and medication any more. Instead, when someone gets sick, samples are taken of their cells and through a computer analysis the doctor is told how to control the sickness via gene splicing. Homosexual marriages have been legalized all over the world, and homosexual couples are having children through In Vitro Fertilization or surrogate mothers. Only poor people are still having babies the old fashioned way. The “in thing” now is to have “designer babies,” where the parents have been tested for possible gene deficiency, and instead of fertilizing the egg in the womb, an egg is extracted and then fertilized in a clinic.You can use PayPal to make a donation or send a check in the mail. One time donations help temporarily but we need friends who will commit to giving regularly. Would you prayerfully consider doing so?
You can contact us if you have a prayer request or if you have any questions.