Establishing Christian Morals

Paul's Letter to the Ephesians Part 8

RLJ-1322 -- DECEMBER 25, 2011

The people in Ephesus had converted to Christ from the worship of Diana and an immoral lifestyle of soliciting temple prostitutes. Unlike many of today’s churches, Paul did not believe in a “seeker friendly” approach and flat out told the new believers that they could no longer live like heathens.

He spoke of renewing their minds and boldly gave them a new set of rules to live by based upon the Ten Commandments. Paul told them to stop their lying, control their anger, to cease from stealing and to clean up their language. If they continued any of these practices, it would only grieve the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, they needed to take control over their negative emotions, to be kind to one another and not run with the Devil anymore. This is in stark contrast to the “seeker friendly” churches that go to any length to avoid offending anyone; how many churches today still preach a message like that? If the apostle Paul were alive today, he would be rejected by most denominations for being too radical, dogmatic and not being politically astute. Remember, it’s not so important how you begin your life after salvation, but how you finish it!


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