Flaming Sword Newsletter Archives


George H. W. Bush as President of the United States
George H. W. Bush as President of the United States
Former Vice President Dan Quayle
Former Vice President Dan Quayle

The Corner – This was the year that God’s patience ran out and the great financial judgment on the world began. I repeatedly warned that all the natural catastrophic events taking place in the United States were warnings from God. But very few people heeded the warning. The response was, “Federal aid is on the way; we will rebuild, because the American people are strong.” Well now there is no more money to throw around when more national disasters occur in 2009.

Maitreya Rising? – There was a very strange announcement made recently in the form of a press release posted on the Dow Jones & Company’s Market Watch website dated December 12, 2008, that bears mentioning, if for no other reason, because it reads like something from a supermarket tabloid. It is clearly another ominous sign of the desperate times in which we live.

Genetically Modified Organisms – Part 3: Vaccines and Pharmaceutical Drugs – Did you know that Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush all pushed hard for American biotech firms to develop their products with very little control and regulation from the government? The food that you and I have been eating for the last 20 years comes from genetically modified farm animals laced with growth hormones.

Additionally, the milk that you have been drinking is one of the largest cancer causing elements in our food chain. As the rate of cancer, obesity and diabetes climbs very quickly, few people have given much thought to why this is so. This third report on GMO, Vaccine and Pharmaceutical drugs brings out the terrible truth that the many diseases affecting the people in the world are caused by the food we eat.

Weighed and Found Wanting – On January 20th upwards of four million Americans are expected to gather in the nation’s capitol to celebrate the swearing in to Presidential Office of the one that they have anointed as their savior, and to drink of the golden vessels containing the fruits of the victory of their exalted elect and praise the secular gods of this nation in adulation to the greatest con man to grace the political scene in the history of the nation.

American Suspicious of Big Media, ADL Disturbed – A recent ADL poll found that 61 percent of Americans believe their religious values are “under attack” by media. To Abraham Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League, this is heresy. He says these erroneous beliefs come from people who “want to incorporate more religion in American life,” a Christian/conservative agenda ADL vehemently opposes. Foxman says ADL must calm these disturbing levels of suspicion.

Out of India – Caryl Matrisciana — Born and raised in India, Caryl saw firsthand the effects that Hinduism had on the people of that nation. After leaving India as a young adult, she became involved in the counter-culture New Age movement, only to find that the elements of Hinduism and the New Age were very much the same. Later as a Christian, Caryl discovered that this same spirituality had entered the Christian church through various avenues unbeknownst to most people.

Resurrection Life of Jesus Church
If you are seeking answers, have a need, or if you are in the midst of a trial or circumstance of any kind that seems to have no answers, we want to assure you that Jesus is the answer. God will touch you; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

October-November 2008

A field of Soy beans
A field of Soy beans CC 2.0 Deed/Leonora (Ellie) Enking

The Corner – The newsletter is late in getting out this month due to a number of factors that consumed our time. We are a ministry with a very small staff that operates on the local and international level. At times it can be frustrating as we want to do so much when there is so much tumult everywhere in the world but people are hurting and in need of help at the local level too.

Genetically Modified Organisms – Part 2: Vaccines and Pharmaceutical Drugs – As I dug into the subject of genetically modified organisms, vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs, it became clear that these three items cannot be treated separately since they are intertwined through the different international mega corporations operating in this field. Reading this article may determine if you end your life as an Alzheimer’s patient or keep your next baby free from autism and give you the necessary information for you and your loved ones to die free from disease.

Testimony of JoAnne Christou – This is the day the Lord has made and I’m not going to leave like I came. And today, I just want to please the Lord with this testimony. It’s all about living in fantasy as a shy child and the fantasy became a built-in self defense mechanism to make me feel safe and make me feel good toward myself because of heavy family rejection; with heavy trauma all of my life until I became a Christian.

No Deliverance from Time of Wrath – Only a godless media of a godless nation of godless people devoid of any knowledge of the changeless Eternal God can hope to delivered from a judgment like a hurricane. But this typical statement of a nation having a form of godliness, but denying the power of the almighty, all knowing, and all-seeing God of the universe.

The World Economic Crisis of 2008 – We have been used to an expanding economy since the end of World War II in 1945. During these 63 years, there have been a few hiccups in the world economy, but it has always straightened out. But something has changed in 2008 as the housing market burst and prices tumbled. This was followed by hundreds of thousands of mortgage failures. Then there was the sudden rise in oil prices, which spiked at $147 per barrel and translated to $4.50 per gallon for gasoline. Why did it happen and who was behind it?

Error Correction – A reader address a scriptural error in the previous newsletter.

Resurrection Life of Jesus Church – If you are seeking answers, have a need, or if you are in the midst of a trial or circumstance of any kind that seems to have no answers, we want to assure you that Jesus is the answer. God will touch you; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

September 2008

Wheat field in Vampula, Finland
Wheat field in Vampula, Finland CC 4.0 SA International/Credit Kallerna

The Corner – The Gospel message is simple and yet man with the help of Satan has been able to muddle it up so that many people wonder if it is even possible to know the truth anymore? The Devil has even been able to confuse Christians, who falsely believe that salvation can be lost and regained, and more perplexity has set in.

Genetically Modified Organisms – If you are like me you have most likely heard of genetically modified organism but know very little about it. As I dug into this subject, I realized that during the last 30 years, the food that we eat has been changed and we didn’t know it. My inquiry into this subject was triggered over what has been done to our milk but I discovered that all types of food we eat have been affected and it is clear that modifying food is part of a political program that has been hidden from the general public.

The Absurdity of Christianity – Have you ever thought about why an omnipotent, omniscient, and omni benevolent God would need to sacrifice Himself (as Jesus) to Himself (God) in order to forgive man of sins against Him (God)? The entire premise seems totally absurd. But there is one factor about the cross that unsaved people don’t want to admit or the cross might actually make sense.

Comments on Rick Warren’s Civil Forum – Pastor Rick Warren played softball with Senators Barack Obama and John McCain during his “Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion.” Most disappointing is the fact that Warren, who says his goal is to win souls to Jesus Christ, never once stated that the only way to be saved is through faith in Jesus Christ.

This seems a curious omission for a Christian whose televised forum was viewed around the world on several cable news networks to millions of souls. How could anyone who is interested in saving souls pass up such an opportunity to state his intention? I guess telling people the truth about dying and going to hell isn’t good for business.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

Mary Lynne – A story of a mother’s faith that transcends all logic and reason, but holds onto God’s promise.

Can Two Walk Together Without Agreement – John McCain’s selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate was exactly what he needed to do to make himself competitive against Barack Obama in the November elections. As a result, conservatives throughout the country–especially Christian conservatives–are now fully supporting McCain’s candidacy for President. Even James “I-will-never-vote-for-John-McCain” Dobson has endorsed McCain.

The Six-Pointed Star – Most people assume the six-pointed star came from King David, after all, it is called the “Star of David.” So why is it used in freemasonry, magic and witchcraft? This book is historically true and well documented.

La Harpé – Harp music, when played in accordance with God’s law of love, has the unique ability to refresh the mind and lift one’s spirit. The concert harp, as played by Isabelle Ruy is a small taste of the peace of mind that is available to us through a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

Marriage Is Under Attack – Proposition 8 is simple and straightforward. It contains the same 14 words that were previously approved in 2000 by over 61% of California voters: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”

Because four activist judges in San Francisco wrongly overturned the people’s vote, we need to pass this measure as a constitutional amendment to restore the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman.

Resurrection Life of Jesus Church – If you are seeking answers, have a need, or if you are in the midst of a trial or circumstance of any kind that seems to have no answers, we want to assure you that Jesus is the answer. God will touch you; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Last month we shared with you a compilation of articles written by John S. Torell and compiled by Gert Timmerman.

You can still read it online but we are also making it available in booklet form because many of you also love the truth and wish to see people set free. Verbal communication dims with time but written words are forever. Get a few copies and give them to your friends.

August 2008

Russian occupying army in Georgia during Russo-Georgian war in 2008 near Zugdidi.
Russian occupying army in Georgia during Russo-Georgian war in 2008 near Zugdidi. CC 4.0 SA International license / Giorgi Abdaladze
47th Munich Security Conference 2011: George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management, New York
47th Munich Security Conference 2011: George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management, New York Harald Dettenborn / CC 3.0 Germany

The Corner – What is the greatest treasure of all time? The answer will vary depending who you ask. I remember as a child reading stories about King Tut of Egypt, Solomon’s lost mines and buried pirate treasure. My imagination ran wild with what I would do if I came across gold bullion, silver coins, diamonds, jewelry and ancient relics.

The War in Georgia – Our television screens suddenly exploded this week with pictures and video clips of Russian tanks and soldiers invading the nation of Georgia. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan has been put on the backburner by the media. Does this latest war threaten the security of the United States?

Are there American troops in Georgia? Is this another war over oil? This report answers all of these questions as you will find out that Georgia is deeply tied to the United States and whatever happens there will affect the wallet of every American.

The Six-Pointed Star – Most people assume the six-pointed star came from King David, after all, it is called the “Star of David.” So why is it used in freemasonry, magic and witchcraft? This book is historically true and well documented.

Showdown in Jerusalem – Beginning in the 1990’s and through 2004, I wrote a number of articles published in The Dove magazine that brought out a lot of information that had been suppressed by the media and ignored by the Christian leadership in colleges and seminaries. Our friend, Gert Timmerman, has done an outstanding job of going through all of the different issues of The Dove and bringing out the main points and key information concerning the question of Judaism, the birth of the Zionist movement and tracing the historical steps.

This digest leads the reader through the Cabala, the declaration of Sabbetai Sevi as the Jewish Messiah in 1666, and the crypto Jews who today hold political offices in all nations; it also deals with the creation of communism, socialism and fascism; the Russian revolution, World War I and II and the formation of the current political state of Israel. If Christian Zionists would only take the time to study this truth, there would be no Christian support for the State of Israel and the goal of the Zionist World Federation to some day present the world with a Jewish Messiah which the Bible calls the Antichrist.

Nowhere to Hide – I’ll never forget the day I downloaded software onto my home computer and found stunningly clear and close-up aerial photographs of significant places from my past – and a few from the present. It was absolutely breathtaking to go from a satellite view of the entire planet, as if staring at it from the surface of the moon, down to an overhead view of the old house where I grew up.

Art Experts – An interesting example of how people will look at a painting and admire the brush strokes, colors and style. But what if you don’t like the painter and have utter distain for him? Can you scrape off his name until is no longer visible?

La Harpé – Harp music, when played in accordance with God’s law of love, has the unique ability to refresh the mind and lift one’s spirit. The concert harp, as played by Isabelle Ruy is a small taste of the peace of mind that is available to us through a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

My Journey to Freedom and Faith – This is the story of a twin girl who was born in Sweden one year before WWII broke out. As a teenager she was swept up in the fast moving life of dancing. But God had a plan for this shy, pretty girl and He guided and protected her. By a divine appointment, she met her future husband on a train and he would later take her to America. Read about God’s mighty power and all of the marvelous miracles He has done for Aina.

Resurrection Life of Jesus Church – If you are seeking answers, have a need, or if you are in the midst of a trial or circumstance of any kind that seems to have no answers, we want to assure you that Jesus is the answer. God will touch you; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

July 2008

Damage from the 1993 World Trade Center bombing
Damage from the 1993 World Trade Center bombing
Andrea Booher at ground Zero FEMA 12 September 2001

The Corner – The Lord recently impressed upon me the story of Joshua and the Israelites taking the city of Jericho with its impressive walls. God had given Joshua specific directions of how to go about taking the city. It involved a total reliance upon the Lord to show them that it wasn’t by their strength or ingenuity that they would take Jericho.

Reaping the Whirlwind? – There is great fear sweeping over the world; fear of an economic collapse and a possible war in the Middle East. There is a great storm gathering and coming at all of us which can be likened to hurricane Katrina as it slowly crept toward land and people were told to evacuate. But the storm we are facing is going to strike the whole earth and there is no escape in the physical realm. I believe we are about to enter what the Bible calls the tribulation period and something worse than WWII is just around the corner. This article not only presents alarming facts but gives you the solution on how to ride out this spiritual hurricane that is about to envelope us.

The Coming Catastrophe? – A possible scenario as to what might occur if one of the several contingency plans to attack Iran, with the participation of Israel and NATO, were to be carried out.

Child Abuse in the Jehovah’s Witness Cult – Recently I was tipped off that there was a widespread child abuse activity among the Jehovah’s witnesses and that the leadership was protecting the abusers from being prosecuted. This information will help you to confront Jehovah’s Witnesses when they come to your door and force them to see the error of their organization in which they are trapped.

U.S. Government Condemns ‘Unintentional’ Anti-Semitism – Are you an unintentional anti-Semite? According to our government, criticisms of Israel which, though true, might be manipulated by others to Israel’s detriment.

To avoid assisting Israel’s enemies, the state department recommends that every comment about Israel first be scrutinized for whether it could put Israel in a bad light. If so, it shouldn’t be said. Only then can we consider ourselves both consciously and unconsciously free from anti-Semitism.

Future Threat – We had an unusual experience in our ministry as some of our computers lost their Internet connection. After some troubleshooting, the problem was traced to an update released by Microsoft and downloaded by our computers.

The California Marriage Amendment – Marriage is under attack by radical homosexuals who think that their counterfeit relationships are the real thing. Californians have the opportunity to put this all to an end in November when we go to the polls and vote on Marriage Protection Act. This constitutional amendment will specify that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”

Turning Curses to Blessings – Do you ever wonder why the same old problems keep coming back into your life? Why some things just never seem to get resolved? Does it seem like the flow of God’s blessing is just out of reach? While much of Christianity believes curses are non-existent for believers, God’s Word says differently.

Judgment Always Begins with God’s People – For the last 2,000 years, there have been no prophets like those in the Old Testament who foretold future events. In today’s day and age, how are Christians supposed to find out what is going to happen in advance, and how do we know if natural catastrophic disasters are the result of judgment from God?

Breaking the Authority of the Bastard Curse – Do you know any hurting Christians who are cut off from the body of Christ? The bastard curse shows up in significant ways to trouble the pursuit of intimacy with the Lord.

The Bible says this curse lasts for ten generations and hides in generational bloodlines as a potent means for Satan to legally prevent believers from having an intimate relationship with God.

Resurrection Life of Jesus Church – If you are seeking answers, have a need, or if you are in the midst of a trial or circumstance of any kind that seems to have no answers, we want to assure you that Jesus is the answer. God will touch you; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

June 2008

The Corner – What will people say about you when you die? More importantly, how will Jesus greet when you get to heaven?

The Wrecking Crew is coming to Sacramento, CA – I received an invitation this month from Capital Christian Center (CCC), the largest Assembly of God church in the Sacramento area, to attend their Dream It Leadership Conference in June. I have no doubt that thousands of pastors and church leaders will be lured to the conference.

They will come because they are spiritually malnourished, believing that new methods will make their church grow and impact their communities. Instead of getting help, they will be given a lethal dose of a devilish spiritual counterfeit which will cause their faith to be shipwrecked and destroy their church members, who will lose heart and leave the churches. This is a must-read for every Bible believing Christian!

The A-sun-ists Headquarters – The clever asunists have all kinds of “intelligent” reasons for denying the sun’s existence. Please share this humorous list with an atheist.

It’s No Longer The Ugly American – People in foreign nations have for many years called us “ugly Americans,” because they did not like America and her people. The late night shows picked up on the theme and joke after joke was produced about the ugly American. But that is all in the past as we now have to admit that we are pretty dumb. As you read the following story, laugh or get angry over this satire. When are we going to wake up?

Breaking the Authority of the Bastard Curse – Do you know any hurting Christians who are cut off from the body of Christ? The bastard curse shows up in significant ways to trouble the pursuit of intimacy with the Lord. Deuteronomy chapter 23 and Hebrews chapter 12 show that this curse lasts for ten generations and hides in generational bloodlines as a potent means for Satan to legally prevent believers from having an intimate relationship with God.

This book explains how offenses continue to plague churches, how goats arise in the church and affect the sheep and how God’s children can be delivered from the effects of this curse in their bloodline.

It Will Take More Than An Old Book – Many people don’t want to believe the Gospel message and argue that it is circular reasoning to cite the Bible as proof of the Gospel’s authenticity.

The Truth Continues to Come Out – Our civilization is based upon oil. No oil and our civilization will crumble with no electricity, transportation, food or water. Without oil we will go back to the Stone Age. Find out why the price of oil is rising so rapidly and why this is not a national problem but a global problem. There can only be a global solution that will come from a man whom the Bible calls the Anti-Christ.

May 2008

U.S. President Barack Obama's official photograph in the Oval Office on 6 December 2012
U.S. President Barack Obama's official photograph in the Oval Office on 6 December 2012
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, U.S. president Bill Clinton, and PLO chairman Yasser Arafat.
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, U.S. president Bill Clinton, and PLO chairman Yasser Arafat.

The Corner – Who wants to live on the earth during the reign of the anti-Christ? I realize people won’t be forced to worship the “man of sin,” they will do so voluntarily! He won’t come on the scene as a blood thirsty world dictator but as a “savior” to help mankind. I still don’t want to live during the time of the Anti-Christ. I desire to live a good life without being subjected to an oppressive regime, but I do know God has purposely put you and I on the earth at this specific time. We have the potential to set back Satan’s plans before we are called home to glory.

Storm Clouds Are Gathering – There is no question that someone in the World Government is guiding the world into a storm that will alter life as we know it now. The media drumbeat is whipping up fear as we are told about a famine, an oil crisis, a financial crisis, etc. At the same time, there have been selective judgments from God, like severe weather conditions destroying homes and farm crops in the United States and around the world. Meanwhile, the Jewish leadership wants Hillary Clinton as the next president and is working toward that goal with the Democratic super-delegates.

Ashamed of Jesus at the National Day of Prayer – The 2008 Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer refuses to pray in the name of Jesus Christ in his prayer because he does not want to offend the Jewish participants in the event. It is appalling that the name of Jesus will be discarded to promote interfaith ecumenism while believers around the world are dying for His name.

Signs of God’s Dealings – God is dealing with a sinful nation. If you find that hard to believe, read Deuteronomy 28 and see what God warned would happen to Israel if they forsook His Commandments and turned their backs on Him.

What is Anti-Semitism? – The word “anti-Semitism” is thrown around quite liberally today by many people who don’t even know its meaning. It has been broadly misdefined for use as a political weapon, to silence any criticism of Israel, Judaism, or liberal Jewish activism. Those who make the simplest statements of unflattering truth about Israeli or Jewish actions are smeared as anti-Semites.

If I Were President – Due to Chuck Baldwin’s frequent criticisms of President George W. Bush, he is often asked what he would do if he were President of these United States. This column serves to answer that question.

Romans Chapter 13 – It seems that every time someone such as myself attempts to encourage our Christian brothers and sisters to resist an unconstitutional or otherwise reprehensible government policy, we hear the retort, “What about Romans Chapter 13? Christians must submit to government. Any government. Read your Bible.” No doubt, some who use this argument are sincere. They are only repeating what they have heard their pastor and other religious leaders say but they have been misinformed.

The Father’s Love Letter – This intimate letter is taken directly from the Bible as our heavenly Father declares His love for us.

Letters – Letters to the ministry.

Resurrection Life of Jesus Church – We welcome you to come visit and fellowship with us.

April 2008

Dennis Ross, senior director for the Central Region, and Dan Shapiro, NSC senior director for the Middle East, center, confer in the Outer Oval as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton stands behind them at left, Sept. 1, 2010
Dennis Ross, senior director for the Central Region, and Dan Shapiro, NSC senior director for the Middle East, center, confer in the Outer Oval as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton stands behind them at left, Sept. 1, 2010

The Corner – What you sow is what you will reap, take note of what you’re sowing.

A Short Review of the so-called Recession – How the current recession will affect you as an individual.

History of American Government and Law – The Bible shaped America more than any other source, because our Founding Fathers believed government was ordained of God.

Living Victoriously with the Lord’s Help – Everyday can be a battle and an uphill climb, so what is the secret to success in this stressful world?

North Korea Sets Up Fake Underground Churches to Expose Christians – It is more important than ever that we not forget our brothers and sisters in the Lord, who are being persecuted, and under gird them with prayer.

Thoughts on the Spitzer Sex Scandal – Chuck Baldwin asks some insightful questions about Governor Eliot Spitzer and the way he was caught in the FBI wiretap and publicly outed.

Don’t Forget the Jerk (For Christians Only) – When it comes to fishing, it’s important to use the right bait to attract the fish. Bait should be used to attract fish and at the same time disguise the hook. Then, when you see a fish nibbling at the bait, quickly jerk the line and pull the hook into the jaw, and reel it in.

More about the 2008 Election in the U.S. – The elections in the United States are just like the ones in Russia. The only difference is that in Russian election results are announced in advance, while in America the results are told after the election.

Humanity Is Under Occult Attack – We are witnessing the culmination of a crusade by certain people and their allies to overthrow Christian civilization and establish a tyranny.

Resurrection Life of Jesus Church – We welcome you to come visit and fellowship with us.

March 2008

U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo delivers remarks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), in New York City, New York on May 28, 2019
U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo delivers remarks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), in New York

The Corner – An encouragement to stay close to the Lord.

How God Chooses to Communicate With Us – An example of the different ways God can communicate with us and a partial transcript of a sermon by John Torell in 1994.

Who is the Corporation? – I wrote an article in the last newsletter about the U.S. election in which I referred to an entity called “The Corporation,” which I claimed is controlling the political election process in the United States. A number of people contacted us and asked about this corporation and for proof of its existence.

Heretics and Hypocrites – How are we as Christians supposed to handle heresy and hypocrisy in today’s world? An informative write up that sheds light on the matter.

A ‘Son Shine’ Story – We never know how God is going to move on a daily basis and this a touching event we had just recently.

Daily Devotional – 02-28-08 – People in the world who are lost, hurting, and searching for hope are not going to church on Sunday, nor are they watching Christian television or listening to Christian radio or music. These people are simply living their lives the best they know how which is totally void of God and the Truth of His Word.

Letters to the Ministry

A Call to Holiness – God gives us specific, high standards to uphold, but when they are not upheld according to instructions, God gets our attention any way possible.

Retraction Concerning Ron Paul – A number or readers responded to my previous article and pointed out that I had attributed the wrong views on abortion and homosexuality to Ron Paul.

Ministry Update – An update on the vision which Pastor John shared with the church in October of last year.

February 2008

The Corner – With just a few simple words, a leprous man came to Jesus and was healed.

Limited Atonement – A doctrine of John Calvin, the trouble it has caused and what the Bible says about it.

Rethinking Robert Schuller

Are American Elections Rigged?

Raised from the Dead – A thrilling account of how God raised up Richard Madison from the dead, healed him and how God is using him now.

Letters to the Ministry

What Gives You The Right To Judge People? – An interesting article that clarifies what the Bible has to say about judging people.

Swedish Temperance Organization Bans ‘Gay Sermon’ Preacher – Åke Green’s love for God and the truth found in the Bible has brought him trouble again.

January 2008

You can use PayPal to make a donation or send a check in the mail. One time donations help temporarily but we need friends who will commit to giving regularly. Would you prayerfully consider doing so?

You can contact us if you have a prayer request or if you have any questions.


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