Sinning Willingly

The Epistle to the Hebrews Part 15

RLJ-1370 -- November 25, 2012

Jesus never intended for believers to operate alone and be separated from each other; on the contrary, we are to meet together for worship and edify each other because it helps mold us into an effective group that can carry out the work of God. Everyone will face a sinful temptation, and by meeting regularly with other believers, you don’t have to face it alone.

But what happens when you decide to sin on purpose? Meaning, you commit an act that you know is condemned by God, but you still do it anyway knowing that when you’re done sinning, you will turn to God and repent. Samson was a man of God who liked to fornicate with heathen women and this rebellion cost him dearly. He lost his freedom, eyesight and strength because he only cared about fulfilling his sexual desires.

His life ended prematurely and we’ll never know how God would have fully used him. Likewise, we have a choice when facing a temptation; it is easy to give in but there are rewards for holy living and a commitment to Christ. What will God say to you when you stand before Him someday? Will you be called a “good and faithful servant” or something else?


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