The Secret Religion of the Antichrist

The Epistle to the Hebrews Part 12

RLJ-1366 -- October 28, 2012

As we come closer to the end times and the Great Tribulation, it is imperative to find out what the Antichrist religion will entail and the Bible gives plenty of evidence to identify this secret religion of the Man of Sin. The Scriptures say he will be Jewish and will not worship the God of his father’s but the god of the Kabbalah, and his secret number will be 666, a number that King Solomon took as the head of the Kabbalistic movement.

He will rule the world from Jerusalem where he will build a new temple and reinstitute daily sacrifices. This Man of Sin won’t tolerate any other religion and will relentlessly persecute all Christians who refuse to take his mark of loyalty and join his religious system because he cannot co-exist with Jesus Christ. He will be empowered by Satan and will be introduced as the long awaited messiah.

People will be told that the Jesus of the New Testament is an imposter. The book of Hebrews with its references to temple worship and sacrifices no longer being valid will be declared blasphemy and it will be total war against God and the Christians on earth. Are you prepared to face the Antichrist régime and warning those around you of the impending danger?


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