Eternal Security in Christ

The Epistle to the Hebrews Part 8

RLJ-1362 -- September 30, 2012

When the founding fathers of the United States gathered to draw up a constitution, they knew it would not be a perfect document and made provisions for how it could be amended. God is not like man; His words are perfect and need no change.

Eternal security is a sensitive subject among Christians because some denominations teach that salvation can be lost while others take the opposite approach. The Bible says salvation takes place at the moment a person calls out to God and repents. But can you lose this gift of eternal life?

This was a question addressed by the apostle Paul who wanted to destroy the perverted thinking that a person could be saved more than once; he told the Jewish believers that “if” a person could fall away and lose his salvation, there would be no second provision. That is true in the case with the Mark of the Beast. Taking the Mark of the Antichrist is the only act a saved person can take that will cause them to forfeit their salvation.

While blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a sin that is not done out of ignorance, the consequences are far reaching, in that the act won’t be forgiven on earth nor in heaven, but it does not refer to salvation. God cannot lie and Christians rest assured that we have an anchor that is secured in heaven in Jesus Christ.


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