Hearing from Jesus

Accepting the Love of God Part 7

RLJ-1335 -- March 25, 2012

Are you struggling in your faith because you’re not sure what God wants to you do? Not knowing God’s will in your life can create anxiety, loss of joy and difficulty in receiving the love of God.

Many Christians have never thought about how God communicates with His people. So what can you expect? It is easy to identify with the apostle Thomas for being upset that all the other apostles had seen the risen Jesus but he refused to believe until he received a personal visit from the resurrected Jesus.

He got his wish and was blessed by the encounter but Jesus said that those who are convicted by the Scriptures and brought to faith through the Word of God will be even more blessed. Most of the time God communicates through the written Word but He may also speak through a dream, a vision, an audible voice or even a strong thought pattern.

The Holy Spirit indwells every believer and God’s will is for you to be saturated with His Word and a desire to do His will in order to be automatically directed on a daily basis. Jesus called this “Abiding in Him.”


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