Walking in Holiness

A New Beginning Part 7

RLJ-1296 -- June 26, 2011

What can you expect after going through deliverance? How much responsibility lies with you to live a victorious life? It is important to realize that you will never be sinless, no matter how close you walk with the Lord. Should you then give in to sin? No!

Only by allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you will you have the power to achieve victory every day. Pastor John shares the difference of “living in sin” versus “committing a sin” and the steps to living a holy life. Anyone can be delivered from demons but keeping your deliverance is much harder.

That is why he emphasizes the importance of follow-up and recommends Christian Dynamics Course 3 to help you grow and mature spiritually after your deliverance. The Devil is persistently waging war and trying to keep you on the defensive but you should be on the offensive and continually doing damage to his kingdom. All this leads to the following question: do you want to be victorious?


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