From the Desk of John Torell


JANUARY 30, 2011

The secret World Government has kept the lid on the Middle East since the last war between Israel, Syria and Egypt in 1973, allowing dictators to rule the different Islamic states. Thirty seven years later the World Government is moving again to destabilize the Middle East region and implement its next phase toward world control.

With Iran in the hands of radical Muslims and Iraq being very weak, this could be the excuse for Israel to strike all the Islamic states and nuke them into submission. This would enable Israel to fulfill its desire to destroy the mosque sitting on the temple mount and rebuild the Jewish temple. If this is what is happening now, we are close to the prophetic words spoken by Jesus and Paul, when they described the Antichrist sitting in the temple and proclaiming to be god.

Our ministry isn’t large but we reach all parts of the world. What makes us unique? We are Bible centered; we are not a lunatic group but you will find we believe in the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit and teach everything found in the Book of Acts.

We have a history of solid documentation where we present the facts, how it will affect us in the future and how to pray about it. Now is the time to pray! Christians can be a catalyst for change when we seek the Lord and come against the wiles of the Devil. Instead of complaining about how everything is being corrupted, we should be praising the Lord for putting us here on the earth at this time!

We have knowledge from the Bible and of history in relation to current events and we are putting it out to prevent the same mistakes from happening over and over again. We don’t toe the line when it comes to political correctness and often we are marginalized but we unashamedly love the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in the Bible.

No work of the Lord survives without prayer and we earnestly covet your prayers. We are extending our cup once again this month because we are running short on finances. We want to be part of God’s work but are having a hard time meeting basic expenses such as rent, bills and salaries. The time is short and we don’t want to be relegated to the sidelines and watch events unfold without a platform to carry the message to the world. Therefore we are asking that if you have found our ministry to be a valuable resource, would you help us and invest in the Kingdom of God with your finances?

The times are turbulent as Satan continues to march forward with his plan for world dominion but we can stand in the gap and delay him. Please help us if you love this ministry and found this excerpt from our Sunday service to be of value. It’s critical and we appreciate it.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor John S. Torell

You can use PayPal to make a donation or send a check in the mail. One time donations help temporarily but we need friends who will commit to giving regularly. Would you prayerfully consider doing so?

You can contact us if you have a prayer request or if you have any questions.


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