Exposing False Doctrine

Destroying the Works of the Devil Part 3

An ambassador does not set policies but simply conveys them to a foreign government. Likewise, God’s ambassadors shouldn’t alter His message but present it as it is written.

In doing so, there can be no refutation from those who promote false doctrine because they have to reject the Word of God. Joseph Prince from Singapore is the latest television evangelist to bring a “new” teaching on grace which is not really new but an old lie from the Devil.

In this message Pastor John will expose his false teachings and show you the mindset of this man and other false teachers and how they are the forerunners to the Antichrist. Exposing false doctrine does not sit well with some Christians but it is a subject that must be dealt with since doing nothing has a devastating effect

RLJ-1241 -- JUNE 6, 2010

Sermon Outlines

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