From the Desk of John Torell

Tipping The ScaleTipping the ScaleGod has bestowed humanity with free will and the next president will ostensibly be decided by the men and women who cast their votes in the fall election. Some will vote their conscience, but most will make a choice that is based upon party platform, gender, a single issue, the lesser of two evils,October 10 2024
The Satanic BlanketThe Satanic BlanketThe United States of America has witnessed turbulent events in the past; however, it seems that the situation continues to get worse as time progresses. The saying, “Time heals all wounds,” is not true as the fires of unrest are being stoked by human saboteurs.August 26 2024
Attack on IsraelThe Attack on IsraelWhat is a false flag operation? There are a variety of answers that can be found on the internet. It comes down to your worldview and the source you consider dependable. The Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) morbid obsession with attacking conservatives is played out in their definition. October 31 2023
Wars in the Spirit WorldWars in the Spirit World Part 2The mid-term elections in the United States were disappointing when it became clear that 50% of the American people voted for democratic candidates. John Fetterman was an extremely weak democratic candidate for the senate that never has held a real job and was financed by his parents and sister. September 30 2023
War in UkraineThe War in UkraineThe ongoing war in Ukraine is a conflict between two nations with a total population of 180 million. The fighting taking place should serve as a warning to all Christians of what is coming in the future when the Antichrist establishes the World Federation and starts persecuting born again believers.June 30 2023
Wars in the Spirit World Part 1Wars in the Spirit World Part 1What is your understanding of the spirit world? Who resides in the spirit realm? What laws govern this reality? Do you know how to conduct spiritual warfare? These are just a few questions that every Christian should be able to answer unwaveringly in order to effectively conduct spiritual warfare. December 1 2022
The Hidden HandThe Hidden HandThe situation in our nation is not improving. It seems that the craziness just continues to grow worse. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade stated that abortion should not be mandated at the federal level; rather, it was up to the states to decide the matter. August 31 2022
Strangling of AmericaThe Strangling of AmericaLucifer is in the process of conducting the final stages of testing for the Antichrist system and we are seeing the culmination of 4,000 years of history. The United States is being strangled by a demonic power that is simultaneously a domestic power. July 31 2022
What is a Joseph MinistryThe story of Joseph’s amazing life can be found in the Bible. He was the eleventh son of Jacob, born to his father’s favorite wife – Rachel. Jacob’s large family was dysfunctional since he was tricked into marrying Leah. Febuary 28 2022
Vision About World War III RevisitedA Vision about World War 3 RevistedPastor John revisits a prophetic vision about the outbreak of World War III and four conditions that must be met before this horrible war breaks out. Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 follows the same playbook that Adolf Hitler used in World War II. March 27, 2022
Antichrist VanguardThe Antichrist VanguardMost people spend their first lifecycle growing up, getting married, and raising a family. A lot of people do not finish their second lifecycle due to a poor diet, smoking, drinking, drugs, etc. Their bodies wear out, and by the time they are in their 70’s, they are tired, going in and out of the hospital... July 11, 2021
EAECHandwriting is on the Wall -- A Christian Intelligence ReportNorth Korea invaded its southern counterpart on June 25, 1950. The communists easily smashed through the South Korean forces and hit the forces of the U.S. Army so hard that the Americans were almost knocked into the Pacific Ocean. They were able to make a stand on what was called...March 25, 2021
Spiritual Warfare Young American men were drafted to fight the communists in Vietnam from 1963 to 1974. They were typical lads who had been raised on television and came from a laid-back lifestyle. Shortly after stepping off the plane, they were shocked by the heat, humidity, and the realization that death could come at any time.May 10, 2020
Benefits of Social MedicineThe Benefits of Social MedicineI have two Swedish friends – Ronnie and Margareta – that were born and raised in Sweden, and like me, they immigrated to the United States in the mid-1960s. They have a number of friends in Sweden and shared how the country is dealing with the elderly during the Coronavirus. April 12, 2020
Lies Deception and More LiesLies, Deception and More LiesJohn Torell is not a prophet, but a watchman on the wall much like other godly men of the past. To that end, he is not willing to stand by as evil abounds. John has studied Christian and secular history since 1970 and written a number of books and articles which exposes the lies propagated in textbooks...March 29, 2020
Coronavirus PanicThe Coronavirus PanicThe world is now dealing with a crisis which each nation is trying to solve it by itself. A large segment of the population in the United States is gripped with fear and this is manifested by the panic buying that is occurring. As unlikely as it may seem, people have decided to stock up...March 15, 2020
A Word Of EncouragementThe news is getting grimmer and fear is spreading throughout the world as word of new cases of the Coronavirus continues to increase. What is the difference between the Coronavirus and the regular flu virus?March 6, 2020
Coronavirus Biological Weapon Part 2 Biological Weapon - Part 2: The CoronavirusMost people do not have a criminal mind and the thought that a government would use germs and viruses as a military weapon is unconscionable. Biological warfare is nothing new and has been practiced for centuries. Besieging armies launched infected bodies over the walls to weaken...March 5, 2020
Ebola Biological Weapon Part 1Ebola - Biological Weapon? Part 1When Cain murdered his brother Abel, he used a crude weapon that could have been a stone, club or a knife. Since that first murder, Satan and his fallen angels have consistently introduced new weapons for mankind to wage war or to murder individuals.March 5, 2015
Americas Chickens Come Home to RoostU. S. Election Meddling January 2020The Democratic Party began to push for the impeachment of Donald Trump in the fall of 2019. The mainstream media has gone along with this campaign against a nationalistic president, causing great turmoil in our nation. As I have watched this charade unfold in the media...January 23, 2020
President Trump and SyriaPresident Trump has ordered the withdrawal of American troops in Syria and the public is watching things unfold on television, wondering what is going on? The conflict is the result of a civil war in Syria, now in its 8th year, having come about as a result Russia and Iran’s intervention. October 14, 2019
How Does God Judge Nations?How Does God Judge Nations?Since Jesus is the Creator and the God of the Old Testament, we can therefore study His actions during the four thousand year period from the creation of Adam and Eve to the incarnation in Bethlehem to safely declare that the Son of God will continue to maintain...June 3, 2019
The Unseen PowerThe 2020 presidential election is in full swing and the noise of the Democrats is deafening as more than 22 contenders are running around like a pack of rabid dogs. The mainstream media never fails to report every new and outrageous promise, striving to one-up each other with what amounts to headline porn. April 28, 2019
March 2019 Current EventsMarch 2019 Current EventsISIS as we know is finished and so are the majority of the men and women who sought to build a caliphate. At its peak, ISIS had taken a large portion of Iraq and Syria and its ranks were swelled by 40 thousand men from some 12 countries, who had left their countries and traveled via Turkey...March 31, 2019
Massacre in New ZealandMassacre in New ZealandA horrible incident took place in New Zealand on March 15, 2019 when a man from Australia attacked a mosque. The death toll as of March 18th stands at 50. Brenton Tarrant used five guns in the attack but none of them were military-style, semi-automatics. March 17, 2019
Cursing Justice KavanaughNew York witches on the Move: Cursing Justice KavanaughThe incident this time comprises a group of witches in Brooklyn, New York, with the help of Catland Books, a metaphysical bookstore. Together they have decided to put on a public event which involves a hex on the newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. October 14, 2018
A Move of God in AmericaA Move of God in AmericaWe just witnessed the biggest spiritual battle ever made public in the United States. Satan has marshaled a large force of fallen angels and evil spirits to stop the Trump administration and to ensure that judge Kavanaugh was rejected as a nominee for the Supreme Court. October 7 2018
Political Lynching of Justice KavanaughThe Political Lynching of Judge Brett KavanaughOn July 9, 2018 at the White House, President Donald Trump officially nominated federal judge Brett Kavanaugh to become the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Standing beside him was his wife, Ashley, and their two daughters, Liza and Margaret. September 30, 2018
Rejecting DefeatRejecting Defeat: Disease Eradication vs. Disease ManagementI want to share a personal story of struggle with disease and the ensuing battle along the way. My wife Aina was diagnosed with skin cancer below her left eye six years ago. We went to a dermatologist, who sent us to a doctor specializing in skin disease, who in turn sent us to a cancer specialist. September 9, 2018
Suicide: The Ultimate Rebellion Suicide is the ultimate rebellion against God because He is the one that creates a human being and give him life. God reserves the right to set the lifetime of a human, so when a person commits suicide, it is the same type of rebellion that Lucifer committed when he rose up against God.June 10, 2018
Mass Shootings On February 14, 2018 there was yet another deadly school shooting, this time at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Are these events random or is someone coordinating them? If someone is indeed coordinating them, what is the end game? February 28, 2018
Church Violence Roy Moore: Trial by MediaThe Book of Revelation tells us that the Antichrist is going to make war with Christians. (Rev. 13) This same spirit of murder has been operating for the past few years in a number of nations around the world as thousands of Christians have been slaughtered in the Middle East, China, Vietnam, Cambodia... November 14, 2017
Why Celebrate July 4th? There have been a lot of protests this year across the United States stemming from hatred. These angry people have followers in many nations around the world and their animosity is focused on President Donald Trump. American citizens are burning flags, despising their nation of birth,... July 2, 2017
Steriliztion Abortion and Enslavement Welcome to the Future!The Paris Climate Agreement was negotiated and signed by 196 countries on April 22, 2016. Susan Biniaz, an attorney working as a legal advisor for the U.S. State Department, served as the chief American negotiator. However, John Holdren, who served as an assistant to Barack Obama...June 4, 2017
Trump vs. PutinGreetings in the name of Jesus! This writing takes place on January 23, 2017. Its purpose is to share what I see happening in the physical world and the spirit realm. In looking back to the primary and general election campaigns, it was a miracle that Donald Trump won the election. January 23, 2017
To God be the Glory!I am deeply thankful for God’s mercy in this presidential election as it was revealed last night. Let me make it clear from the start that Donald Trump’s victory was not the work of man. He would never have won the election without the Lord’s help! November 9, 2016
The Election and Our ChildrenThe prophet Isaiah was given a message from the Lord some 700 years before Christ that hell was being enlarged because of Israel’s sins. The people had forsaken the Lord and this is the state of our nation today as hell is once again being enlarged.October 23, 2016
Judging Trump Media Manipulation and Public OpinionAn audio and video recording was released by the Washington Post on October 7th which featured Donald Trump when he visited the set of the soap opera, Days of Our Lives. The recording was made in 2005 by Access Hollywood, a tabloid which specializes in entertainment...October 9, 2016
Trump and Brexit When the British people voted to secede from the European Union (EU) on June 23rd, it was like a shot across the bow, a warning to stop and submit to the approaching naval forces. The local British leaders from the World Government do not like the voting process... August 10, 2016
EAECIslamic JihadThe United States in a presidential election year is always weak on foreign policy. Obama has a limited amount of time left in office and he is desperately trying to ride out his last year without getting involved in a war in the Middle East. June 30, 2016
Politics, Sex and Murder I have been following the 2016 presidential election and what I saw in the news at the beginning of March made me angry. The Holy Spirit gave me a message during the night of March 20th as I slept and then I was directed away from the sermon the next day to speak on this subject. May 2, 2016
What the Future HoldsI have never been in combat, but I have talked to men who were in the midst of the terrible fighting during World War II, Korea and Vietnam. I saw a lot of American war movies in my early years but the one with the greatest impact was a Finnish movie that chronicled the brutal war the Finns fought... December 16. 2015
And There Was LightAs this year is coming to an end, I would like to share some of the things that are happening in the ministry. This is an appeal letter of sort but I also want you to know what is taking place within the ministry. Some of you have been supporting us financially on a regular basis while others... December 10, 2015
Radical Muslim TerrorThe past couple of months were not happy ones for millions of individuals. People living in Israel are now living under a cloud of fear like never before. They don’t know if a Palestinian man or woman will attack them with a knife when they leave their homes for work, shopping...December 9, 2015
Soul DamageAfter many years of deliverance ministry and observing first-hand the desperation of people who have come for help, I have been able to identify a common denominator that pervades age, gender, and life experiences in those seeking to be set free from demons. Soul damage is the one thing...June 20, 2015
Fire Base Sacramento Requesting HelpWhen American troops began to flood the jungles of Vietnam to fight the communists from the north, it was a war that often had no battle lines. As a result, the enemy would pop up, fight and melt back into the jungle. In order to suppress the advance of the North Vietnamese soldiers,... June 7,2015
The Third GenerationThe generation that lived through the Great Depression and fought in World War II was also deeply affected by the Pentecostal revivals that swept through the United States from the 1920’s. It was this generation, whom I will call the first generation, which sent its young men to defeat Nazi...April 15, 2015
Weather Modification: Fact or Fiction? It was in the middle of the 1980’s that I began to read about the U.S. government and its attempts to control the weather. This was not a new concept since as a young man in the 1950’s, I had read about “cloud seeding” in Reader’s Digest, with the objective of bringing rain to areas that needed it. February 22, 2015
Ukraine Uprising: Trigger to World War 3?The events taking place in Ukraine do not bode well for that nation or for peace in the world. Russian President Vladimir Putin is using the same playbook that Adolf Hitler used in 1938, when he first gained control of Austria; after having sent in provocateurs to start a revolt, forced a vote...February 2, 2015
A Vision About World War IIIA 90 year old woman from a Lutheran Church in Valdres, Norway received a vision from God in the 1960’s. Emanuel Minos, a Norwegian Pentecostal evangelist, held revival meetings where this woman lived in 1968. September 17, 2014
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Accident or Crime? The demons of war have struck again and this time the crew and passengers of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, en route from Amsterdam, Holland to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I believe it was shot down by a Russian BUK missile on July 17, 2014 as the plane was flying over Eastern Ukraine.August 4, 2014
ISIS The Ugly Face of IslamThe summer of 1914 was terrible as the demons of war were unleashed on the earth and the Great War broke out, which later became known as World War I. It appears that history is repeating itself as the summer of 2014 is a bad season for millions of people living in war torn nations. July 13, 2014
We Must ExpandIt’s been a year since the fateful split that resulted in an exodus of many members from Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. The facilities in Carmichael were closed as a result and the ministry’s future looked uncertain. We knew that Satan’s plan was one of destruction and mayhem...April 17, 2014
Ukraine UprisingUkraine UprisingThere is so much disinformation today when it comes to politics. Everyone has something to say about the Ukraine protests. Who are we to believe? Barack Obama, a usurper who does not believe in the very thing by which he condemns the Russians?March 3, 2014
Almost ThereThere are just two weeks left in this challenging year. With God’s help we were able to navigate the sudden closing of the church location and the scramble to build a new studio for the webcasting. It’s one thing to make a clean break, but we owed back rent on the church building...December 12, 2013
The Church under the reign of the AntichristThe Holy Spirit woke me up on the morning of October 7th at 4:00 AM to show me a vision about the end times. For some time I have been asking God to show me why He gave the great revelation to the apostle John, which we know today as the Book of Revelation. October 8, 2013
Planning for the FutureWe are now down to the final quarter of 2013 and we have seen a lot of activity. EAEC is now in its 41st year and that is both a blessing and a liability. Many of the people who started with us were in their 40’s and 50’s and most of them have now gone home to be with the Lord. October 1, 2013
Hard TimesI have been in spiritual combat since I was born again in 1965. Throughout the years I have experienced just about everything the Devil could dish out but there has also been the sweetness of the Holy Spirit in my personal life and as well as on the national scale back to the 1970’s.September 17, 2013
Catch the VisionThe year 1983 was a tumultuous transition period because I had resigned as pastor of Christian Life Ministries and the next two years saw me working as an evangelist, Bible teacher and radio speaker. A person in our ministry sent my wife and I to a pastors conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma. August 5, 2013
The Consistency of ChristEveryone looks forward to summer because it means vacation time has arrived with people going to the beach, camping, swimming and doing whatever hobby you like to do. It could be that you just like to relax and do nothing. July 9, 2013
Facing the Wrath of GodFacing the Wrath of GodAmerica has suffered a number of catastrophic events in the last five years stretching from coast to coast and border to border. There have been hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, drought and fires, and as a minister of the Gospel, I see these events as selective judgments from God upon a nation... May, 21 2013
The Webcast is Back!It’s been three months since we had our last webcast from Resurrection Life of Jesus Church in Sacramento but I am pleased to announce that we are back online. The Holy Spirit has been with us and we now have a studio where we can do webcasting again. May 17, 2013
Ministry News UpdateI wanted to give you an update of what has happened in the last couple of weeks. As you know from my last report, the members of Resurrection Life of Jesus Church (RLJC) called Bill Chacon to become their new pastor after he indicated that God was calling him back to the ministry. April 4, 2013
We Are MovingEuropean-American Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC) is on the move, literally! We didn’t plan it but God is merging our recording facility with the production facility. If this is news to you, let me share some of the recent events that have taken place within the ministry. March 13, 2013
Past and the FutureThe Past and the FutureAll things on this earth eventually come to an end because nothing lasts forever. We don’t think about this when we’re young, but as we grow older, age begins to impose itself and there is no way to escape this reality. After serving as a pastor for 37 years, I have been given new orders... March 1, 2013
Change of DirectionI recently took a leap of faith and resigned as pastor of Resurrection Life of Jesus Church on February 17, 2013. For some time now, God has been speaking to me about resigning so I can give all my time to our Internet ministry but I have been hesitant to do so because the church has been paying... February 18, 2013
Response to the Future is HereI appreciate being able to be in church. Every Sunday is precious and I believe that in the future we won’t be able to hold church on Sunday’s. At that time we will look back with sadness and wish we had put more effort into it. This week we sent out a briefing paper called, “The Future Is Here,”...January 20, 2013
The Future is HereThe Future is HereFor many years I have been preaching and writing about the coming Antichrist system. I have been lulled into the comfortable thinking that this is something that will come in the future, but not necessarily something in which I will participate. January 17, 2013
Why Do Some People Become Killers?I was woken by the Holy Spirit in the early morning hours of December 14th and given a message as to why evil things happen in the world. I had no knowledge that just a few hours later a massacre would take place at the hands of Ryan Lanza in Newtown, Connecticut. After I learned of the killing spree... December 16, 2012
The Harvest Truly Is Great We are rapidly approaching the time that that Jesus called “The Great Tribulation.” The Antichrist is not just going to show up one day out the blue but this is a project Satan that has been working diligently on for thousands of years through an organization of humans since the day...August 24, 2012
Mass Murder in Aurora, ColoradoOnce again a person has decided to kill as many people as possible and this time it took place at a movie theater that was featuring a new Batman movie called “THE DARK KNIGHT RISES.” The movie is based upon violence and immorality and the shooter was a fan of Batman movies... July 22, 2012
When Will Israel Attack Iran?When Will Israel Attack Iran?I learned to play chess as a teenager but I was never able to beat my uncles because they planned out their moves while my play was continually a reaction to their moves. Needless to say, I always lost. The government of Israel is like a master chess player... July 16, 2012
Romney vs Obama / Ministry NewsDuring the great days of mission work from the 1860’s through the 1980’s, every missionary candidate was told during training time that communication was a must if he was going to get support from the people in the homeland. June 18, 2012
Stepping on the Devil! During my first five years as a Christian in Southern Baptist churches, I was never told of the power Jesus gave to His disciples. The end result was that I was a victim to sickness, depression, and worse of all, I viewed myself as a loser that was just trying to hang on.May 11, 2012
Occupy Wall Street: Who is Behind It?On September 17, 2011, thousands of people came from out of the shadows and started a massive protest in the heart of New York City. I didn’t know where these people came from and the American media didn’t shed any light on it. November 20, 2011
Family Radio Refuses to Repent!Prior to May 21, 2011, Harold Camping, day after day on his radio program said there was no doubt the rapture was going to take place. He was not just sure, but very sure that May 21st would be the rapture day. Week after week he told his audience that no one could get saved after that day... October 29, 2011
Why Should We Ask For Money?Many people have heard the slogan, “the Gospel is free but the shipping and handling costs money.” In the secular world of television and radio programming, newspapers, magazines and websites are financed through paid advertisement. October 5, 2011
My Take on 9/11I was sickened when I woke up on September 11, 2011 and found that almost all television channels in the United States, including many Christian networks, devoted most of the day to commemorate the horrible event that took place ten years earlier in our nation. September 11, 2011
The Final Financial Meltdown?Heavy losses are showing up on the stock market exchanges around the world during the last two weeks while the price of gold has been steadily rising every day to record highs. The commodity markets are very unstable, the price of oil is down from its high of $100 plus per barrel and the U.S. dollar... August 21, 2011
The Story of Johnny ToddI was introduced to the Jack Chick when I came to California in 1969 and became excited about reaching people with Gospel tracts that were nicely illustrated and written with captivating story lines. I learned that just about everyone would pick up a Chick tract and read it regardless...August 11, 2011
The Demise of the American EconomyThe debate to raise the debt ceiling for the United States has increased in crescendo since the beginning of this year and came to a boil during the month of July. Barack Obama has repeatedly warned the American people that the United States would go into default and all kind of problems... July 31, 2011
God is Destroying AmericaWhen Pharaoh refused to let Moses and the people of Israel leave Egypt, God initiated ten plagues that financially and physically destroyed Egypt. After the tenth plague, Egypt was laid waste and has never recovered since that time. God has allowed selective judgments on our nation... July 17, 2011
EAECRallying the TroopsFrancis August Schaeffer (1912-1984) was an American Evangelical pastor and theologian. He broke with the Presbyterian Church denomination and moved to Switzerland in 1948 and wrote of the need to return to the roots of the Christian faith. March 23, 2011
Harold Camping is Out of CommissionMany Christians have been praying for that Harold Camping would be removed from Family Radio. These prayers were answered on June 9, 2011 when he suffered a stroke and was taken to the hospital. Within hours Craig Hulsebos came on the air and began asking for prayer... July 7, 2011
The Gift of RepentanceI have been warning people for some time about the judgments of God that are taking place in America. This is not a popular message, but when we study the nation of Israel as recorded in the Old Testament, we repeatedly find that God sent judgments in order for them to repent... May 29, 2011
Harold Camping is destroying what's left of Family RadioDuring my reports for the last six months, I have told people that Harold Camping had a contingency plan. He held a press conference on May 23, 2011 at 5:30 PM at the headquarters of Family Radio in Oakland that was also broadcast live on Family Radio where he was his usual arrogant self... May 23, 2011
Is Family Radio Going Down?As I had predicted, the staff of Family Radio had planned out for life after May 21st by promoting bumper stickers of judgment day on the day in question. Weekend programming at Family Radio is pre-recorded during the week and the only people working at the headquarters in Oakland...May 22, 2011
Is Osama bin Laden Dead?Did Osama bin Laden really die on May 1st, 2011? Some people have contacted our ministry asking this question and I have decided to write a response that will be posted on our website. First of all, I want to state that from 1975-1990, our ministry worked very closely with a Christian pastor...MAY 15,2011
Is God Judging America?Is God Judging America?The week of April 24-30th that Pastor David Wilkerson went to be with the Lord was one of the most devastating weeks in the United States as more than 340 people lost their lives to tornados in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Tennessee. Prior to these tornadoes, there have been hundreds of them... MAY 1, 2011
A Tribute to David WilkersonIt came as a shock when I learned that Pastor David Wilkerson had been killed in a car crash on April 27, 2011. It is a great loss for the Christian churches around the world as he was a great pastor and author of many books but he has been a true prophet to the Body of Christ... APRIL 28, 2011
Communion or Seder?Which One Should I Celebrate: Communion or SederIn the last 40 years in which the Charismatic movement developed in the United States, some groups felt the need to return to Jewish rituals. One of these rituals is the celebration of “Seder,” which is the Jewish name for the Passover Meal that God told the children of Israel to eat... APRIL 24, 2011
The Trap is about to be Sprung!The world government cannot control a nation if they do not have a central bank, and so when the United States was founded in 1776, the Rothschild family and other Jewish banking families in Europe knew that in order to capture this dynamic nation, they had to establish a central banking...APRIL 10, 2011
The Scourge of IslamPastor Terry Jones held a mock trial of the Koran in his church in the state of Florida on March 20, 2011, found the Koran guilty and subsequently burned copy in the sanctuary. It was recorded on video that was later posted on YouTube. The result was large riots in Afghanistan... APRIL 3, 2011
The Agenda of the World GovernmentAs events spin out of control in the world with unrest in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and huge protest demonstrations in London, it is obvious that something must give one way or another. Our entire civilization is built upon oil... MARCH 27, 2011
Letter to our SupportersWe are living in some exiting times and the pace is very fast. When we started this ministry in 1973, printed material in the form of Bible studies was our tool to minister to God’s people and reach out to the unsaved. That was effective and still is but we could not rely on this one outreach only... MARCH 23, 2011
Who is Responsible for the Earthquake in Japan?Who is Responsible for the Earthquake in Japan?Since around 1990 I have been aware of a project by the United States government known as “HAARP.” It was first presented as a benign project for weather modification, where rain could be induced in time of draught, but it can also be turned into a weapon of mass destruction. MARCH 13, 2011
The Noose is TighteningWhile the people in the world are held captive by the news media and its reporting from Libya, something much more sinister has taken place. The World Government is tightening its noose and this week two men felt the affect of it. What does the American actor Charlie Sheen have in common...MARCH 6, 2011
The Middle East in FlamesMiddle East in FlamesThe fire that started to burn in Egypt has caused many of the nations in the Middle East and North Africa to go up in flames. When the uprising started in Egypt, I thought at first that it was genuine but I have changed my mind. It is obvious that provocateurs from different intelligence services... FEBRUARY 20, 2011
What is next in Egypt?What is next in Egypt?After eighteen days of constant protests in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez, Hosni Mubarak stepped down as president of Egypt on February 11, 2011. Great celebrations broke out and people cried that freedom had finally come to them. But has freedom really come to them? FEBRUARY 13, 2011
Order out of Chaos in EgyptOrder out of Chaos in EgyptThe secret World Government has kept the lid on the Middle East since the last war between Israel, Syria and Egypt in 1973, allowing dictators to rule the different Islamic states. Thirty seven years later the World Government...JANUARY 30, 2011
Our Engine is Sputtering!We are extremely thankful for those who helped fill our gas tank at the end of December. Anyone who drives a car knows that filling the tank once a month is not enough to get around, it is an ongoing process, and it is the same for our ministry. JANUARY 2011
Praise the Lord for the Gas!We were on the brink of running out of money to pay for basics like rent, utilities and taxes and had issued a call for help that we were running out of gas. Well praise the Lord, He has provided with enough gas for one more month! JANUARY 2011
The Obama DeceptionAs we watched the November 2nd election in the United States and saw the beating that the Democrats took, we thought that Obama would lick his wounds and retreat as the American people rejected his policies. But that was not to happen as we saw a new side to Obama and powerful friends...December 23, 2010
December News from the MinistryThe month of November was very productive for us. The print shop is now busy six days a week and we are at 72% completion of “Christian Dynamics Course 1.” The people who are helping us are all volunteers, and if we had to pay wages, we would not be able to print the book. December 12, 2010
November 2010 Ministry UpdateIt is important that we are able to communicate with our friends around the world and to let you know what is happening in our mission organization, European-American Evangelistic Crusades and our home church, Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. November 18, 2010
Jews and the Tea PartyIt was just a matter of time before the American Jewish community started to investigate the Tea Party. I am sure that the Israeli intelligence service, the Mossad, has not only investigated the Tea Party but also infiltrated it. October 18, 2010
Our Ship Has Been RescuedI want to share the financial miracle that took place this week with all our friends. On Monday I wrote that our ship had taken a bad financial hit and we needed help right away. We cried out to God in our morning staff meeting to use our appeal for help and He did so in mighty way. October 1, 2010
Our Ship Has Taken a Hit!It is Sunday night when I write this report from our ministry in Sacramento. I have just been informed that the Sunday offering today came up short by $3,200 to clear all the bills for this month, the majority of it being for the rent of our church building. September 26, 2010
August 2010 Ministry UpdateIt has been a month since I wrote and informed you of our financial situation. Many of you responded and we received enough money to cover the most urgent needs in the ministry. Praise the Lord; we were able to pay all current bills for the month of July!August 23, 2010
July 2010 Ministry UpdateThe month of July started out with a financial crisis as we were barely able to pay the rent on the church facilities for June and very little money was coming in during the first few days in July.August 5, 2010
A Call for HelpI am a pastor not a king with a kingdom but God has set me over a ministry that dates back to 1972. In that year a group of seven believers in Christ gathered to form a mission organization that was called “European-American Evangelistic Crusades.” The goal of the ministry was to preach the Gospel, write Bible study material and bring as many people to Christ as possible.July 15, 2010

You can use PayPal to make a donation or send a check in the mail. One time donations help temporarily but we need friends who will commit to giving regularly. Would you prayerfully consider doing so?

You can contact us if you have a prayer request or if you have any questions.


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