The Flaming Sword 2013

Contending For The Faith – Jude 3

July to December 2013

The Corner – Change can be fun, but it can also be very stressful. In this issue, we will examine change that is not pleasant. The United States Supreme Court decided on June 26, 2013 that marriage as God designed it when He created Adam and Eve needed to be updated. These mortal men and women appointed to the Supreme Court overruled God and stated that marriage also includes homosexuals, men marrying men and women marrying women. This insult to God will not go unpunished and the justices who voted for this change are going to pay for this sinful decision.

Are You Prepared For The Tribulation? – Over the years I have preached many sermons about the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation and the Mark of the Beast. But I have never really thought about what it meant to live during the time that Jesus said would be shortened or no person would survive. I have written nine books in the Kabbalah series in the last three years and laid out the road a road map of how a world government has been shaped for the last 300 years and the Holy Spirit began to tell me that I was not prepared for the future despite all the knowledge I had accumulated during the years of ministry. Few Christians had ever entertained the thought that they might have to live through the Great Tribulation and we need to be mentally, spiritually and physically prepared.

A Letter from Heaven – On May 19, 2013 a man named Stuart died alone in his home and was not discovered until three days later. This story actually starts back in 2003 when Stuart contacted me out of the blue and asked if I could help him. He subsequently moved to Sacramento where we took him through deliverance and I was his pastor for the next three years. Stuart made some life choices that cost him dearly on earth and this letter came from the Holy Spirit telling me that Stuart was not happy with the life he had lived on earth. He was an educated man and took pride in how he chose to communicate and I felt that he would like to tell his story to warn other people not to commit the same mistakes he had done.

Only Believe – The importance of the Bible

The Heavenly ManMany times we speak lightly of our own “cross” or “persecution,” but those of us in America have no idea what hardships other believers in the world are experiencing. Brother Yun has experienced unbelievable persecution, including torture and imprisonment but he also experienced unbelievable grace and miracles. And in a paradox that continues to confound, he describes how the true church actually flourishes amidst persecution.

You’ve seen the headlines about government crackdowns on Chinese churches; mass arrests; human rights violations. This intensely dramatic autobiography makes it real! Learn how God took a young half-starved boy from Henan Province and enabled him to stand strong on the frontlines for Jesus, braving horrific opposition and impossible odds.

Brother Yun is one of China’s house church leaders, a man who despite his relative youth has suffered prolonged torture and imprisonment for his faith. His account challenges any complacency about the situation in China, where international economic investment ignores the brutal fact that religious persecution is still a daily reality for millions. Instead of focusing on the many miracles or experiences of suffering, however, Yun prefers to emphasize the character and beauty of Jesus.

Brother Yun’s story will cause you to search your own soul because you cannot read this book without questioning your own commitment level. Like the Christians of old, Brother Yun has made the choice to follow Christ even if it costs everything. Continue >>

The Kabbalah Book 4: The Stealth Takeover of the United StatesThe Kabbalistic Jews learned through the Rothschild takeover of the European banking system to disguise themselves and find Gentiles who are willing to do their bidding. Another lesson they learned was that it is impossible for any nation or group of people to take control of the world through military power. The only way to succeed is to take control of the different nations’ monetary systems and forge them into a global banking and trade system. Once this has been achieved, food is the ultimate weapon since no one can live without it.

The stealth takeover of the United States was done by Gentile businessmen, lawyers, elected political leaders, educators, Christian ministers and military commanders who were willing to carry out orders that included shooting on the American people to make them comply. This book takes you from 1828 until 1907 and shows the treason, sellouts and the rape of the American people that were carried out in such a remarkable way that no one could resist it and survive. >>>Continue

Both the Old and the New Testament inform us that some day the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is going to come back to this earth and set up his kingdom. This will be followed by the Great White Throne Judgment, the destruction of the earth and the entire universe, followed by the creation of new heavens and a new earth. (Revelation chapters 19, 20 and 21). The only thing that God has not told us is the year, the day and the time. >>>Continue

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